all right today we're having a look atthe lensgo 348c wireless microphones ystem and this is really quite a unique system i have never heard of lensgo before i'd never heard of this microphone system before but i have seen a few reviews on it and they have been overwhelmingly positive now this this microphone system essentially has a feature set that i i have never seen before and it this unique set of features means that if you are the type of person that needs this combination of features there really isn't another microphone system out there that offers it so this is probably the system for you but it is kind of a quirky system so there's a few things you really need to know before you decide whether this is the right wireless microphone system for you and lensgo did send out this kit for the purposes of making this video but all the opinions are on my own and i have not been paid to make this video now the first thing i really liked about this thing was the charging case it came in it comes with this uh charging case which is kind of it looks like a big version of what sort of the units themselves look like and inside you have a a place to put the receiver the transmitter and the other transmitter so if you get a two transmitter kit you're going to have a space to put both of those transmitters and you're going to have the receiver obviously in both kits but it also leaves you with a little space here where you can put your cable if you buy a lapel mic you can sort of add that in and just stick that in there so you can essentially fit everything you need in this little case and just throw it in a bag and away you go also when you are charging you can actually see the different units charging and their charging status through the case so the units themselves have sort of little lights on them and when they're red and blinking it means they're charging and when they're a solid red it means it's finished charging and you can see that right through the case which i think is pretty cool the other thing that is so good about this case is the fact that you can actually take the units with their wind muffs on and charge them with their wind muffs on so there they sit in there with the wind muffs on so you never really have to take the wind muffs off which i think is a pretty cool little feature and i think all the other systems i've seen you actually do have to take the wind muff off to charge them so essentially you just never take the wind muff off of the transmitters now of course all the audio you're going to hear in this video is coming straight out of the little transmitter itself and then just going straight into the camera i'm not going to post-process it whatsoever i am in a fairly reverberant room i'm not in my normal studio we're away from home right now but i decided to try to get this video out and i've just taken some blankets and throwing them around the room and just tried to sort of deaden down the reverb a bit because this is an extremely reverberant room but in my testing so far i think the audio quality is pretty good i have been actually quite impressed with the audio you're getting out of the little transmitters now keep in mind this set does not come with a set of lapel mics
which can be a good thing and can be a bad thing i do like to see lapel mics included in the kits but what i have found is with some of those sort of more budget where they're putting a whole bunch of features and they're trying to give you a lot of stuff for a little bit of money they often put in really really bad lapel mics something that you just might as well not get in the kit and you might as well save the couple dollars that it cost them to put in and just throw them out so i do appreciate the fact that they haven't just put in a very cheap set of lapel mics that were somewhat useless so you do get good audio sort of right out of the transmitters themselves as you're hearing now but if you want to use a lapel mic be a little bit more discreet then you will have to buy that lapel mic separately and these units are a little bit on the big side so i do think that it could be worth getting a lapel mic a good lapel mic and using them with these units and as you can see this one's sort of pulling down on my shirt a little bit it's not too different than sort of all the other ones out there be sort of the road or the other ones but they do seem to be a slight bit bigger but keep in mind you're getting a lot more in these little transmitters and the key feature you're getting is you are getting a backup recording function where you can put an sd card actually in the transmitter hit the little record button on the front and it will record a backup track of everything the transmitter is hearing that way if we get a breakdown in connection or that something goes on wrong with the camera or the cable isn't plugged in or you're too far away and you're out of range you can still go back to that backup recording and make use of that and you haven't ruined your whole project so i think for people that absolutely need a backup recording then that really sort of moves this kit up towards the top of the list this is a little bit different than what rode has done with their rode wireless go 2 because they have an internal recording that you have to plug into the computer and pull off where this has just a normal sd card can handle up to a 32 gig sd card which youcan just eject at the end of the projectand sort of put it in the computer or ifyou're sort of recording a few differentprojects you can have those little cardsthey're very cheap throw them in recordfor the day take them out sort of labelthem or put them in a little bag andthen the next day you can use a separateset of cards because you might not havean opportunity to figure out whether youlost audio during that recent shoot sothat is a capability you will not getwith the rogue wireless go to now one ofthe other unique features of this systemis they have magnetic clipsnow this has some sort of pros and consto it now the pro is if you are going tojust use this in your pocket with alapel mic you can take that clip off youcan take the wind muff off and nowyou've just got this tiny little thingno clip to get caught on anything andyou just stick that in your pocket and ithink that's going to sit in therereally really nice certainly much nicerthan the units that you can't take theclip offthe second thing about the clip which isan advantage is when you are clipping itto a shirt like thisyou can actuallyput the clip on and thenas i've done here and then you can putthe unit so it is sitting upright eventhough the clip is going sideways so theunit will sit upright even though theclip is going sideways which i think isgood because it actually points the sortof little grille of the microphone uptowards your throat i know you see a lotof people with them off to the side andalthough they are supposed to bemicrophones that pick up from all anglesthey're not sort of directionalmicrophones what you will find is thismicrophone is clear at the top but it'sthen surrounded by plastic the rest ofit so it makes sense to me that if youare pointing the microphone this way itis not going to get as good audio ifyou're pointing it up this way so ithink there is definitely an advantageto being able to sort of turn thatlittle clip on its side and have thatpointing up now the problem comes isit can also sort ofsort of swing around and end up going inany direction at times depending on howyou're moving if you bump it really hardit can potentially come off on top ofthe camera it is also the magnetic clipthing so i see when it's clipped upthere depending on how i've got the cordit will start turning around and beingpointing in any who knows directionsothe units can have a bit of a life ontheir own because of the flexibility andthe movement you get because of thatsort of little magnetic joint so that issort of a pro and con feature and to behonest i'm still not sure what i thinkof it now this kit has a transmissiondistance of up to 70 meters which ishuge i think it's second only to therode wireless go 2 but certainly of thebudget friendly wireless microphone kitsthis has the farthest transmissiondistance you can get so when you look atthis specific feature setit's got the sd card it's got the thelongest audio transmissionand it has this removable sort ofmagnetic clipif this is a unit that you're going tomainly keep in your pocket you want thelongest transmission distance that youcan get aside from the rode wireless goto and you want an sd card to back upyour audiothis is the kit this is the only kitthat has those combination of featuressoi think really it's up to you you canhear what the audio quality sounds likei think they are pretty darn good and iwould not hesitate to recommend them tosomeone if you needed that specific setof features and if you're interested ingetting the best in photo and video withthe gear that you can afford or the gearthat you already have that's what i doon this channel so make sure yousubscribe to the channel and don'tforget to hit that bell notification