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wireless microphone system

if you're looking for a wireless microphone system this is the video foryou my friend today we're gonna comparethree different systems from threedifferent brands i have the godox movelink with me which i'm using right nowwe also have the lensgo 348c and the saramonic blink 900 b2 i havereviewed individually all these systemsso you will find the links in thedescription top for in depth reviewsalso in the description tab you willfind all the links for the product andthe timestamps for specific subjectswe're gonna go through differentcategories today and we're gonna givekudos to one or more microphones itdepends for each category also i will beusing for this vlog for this comparisonthe actual microphone so you can hearhow they sound and i'm gonna switchbetween all of them during the processsojust watch around i'm gonna put sometext with the microphone i'm using atthe moment and i'm starting with themove link by godox so i hope this videois gonna help you out hit the subscribebutton right now[Music][Applause][Music]and here you are thanks for tuning ini'm using as i said the godox move linkm2 with the built-in microphone andwindshieldnow let's talk about the basic commonfeatures of the three systems first ofall they all are dual microphone wireless microphone systems so they comewith two transmitters and one receiverthey all use 2.4 gigahertz frequencieswhich are very common worldwide and theyall feature omnidirectional microphonesnow we're going to go through thedifferences starting from the firstcategory which is kits and prices let'sstart from the godox this is themovelink m1 the kit m1 comes with onetransmitter and one receiver the price105 pound on amazon all the links againin the description top but the move linkalso comes in the kit m2 twotransmitters and one receiver the price153 british pound let's talk about the lensgo al once again it comes in twodifferent kits they actually don't haveany name but the kit with onetransmitter and one receiver cost 139pound the kit with two transmitters andone receiver249. last but not the least blink 900 itcomes actually only with the kit numbertwo which is two transmitters and onereceiver highest price amongst all ofthem 300 or 5 british pound so the firstkudos go to the move link because it'scheaper and you can find two differentkits second category we are going tofind out what comes in the box with themicrophone let's start from the movelink you will find of course thepackaging then one charging casetwo transmitters one receiver twolavalier microphones they include alsofoam windscreen and the clipstwo windshields one 3.5 millimeter jackfor cameraand also one for smartphones and threeusbc charging cables three magneticbuckles with the lensgo 348c omes againa boxone charging case two transmitters onereceiver but this time no lapelmicrophones includedtwo windshields for the built-inmicrophoneone mini jack 3.5 millimeters for cameraone for smartphones again and one usbccharging cable three magnetics backclips one magnetic buckle the saramonicthis is the box that comes in it comeswith the charging casetwo transmitters one receiver twolavalier microphones again includingfoam windscreen and clips twowindshields for the built-in microphonesone 3.5 millimeters jack four smartphoneand one for camera one usbc to usb ccharging cable and a usbc to micro usbcable kudos here go to the godox and thesaramonic i didn't give any vote to the lensgo because it doesn't come withlavalier microphones for the nextcategory i added a lapel microphone tothe godox move link so still using themove link but just with the lapel so i'mgonna hide that for a whileall right how does this sound anywaynext category is the charging case andbattery life all the three systems comewith the charging case when you chargethe transmitters and receiver on thegodox move link the battery life will bemore or less six hours on the lensgo seven hours so your devices will run forseven hours on the saramonic we have sixhours again but we have a big differencewith the saramonic with the godox andthe lensgo you have to place yourdevices inside the case and connect thecase to the electric socket in that wayyour devices will charge with thesaramonic you can actually charge thecase itself and bring it and carry itwith youanywhere you go and charge your deviceswithout any extra cable in this way youwill charge your case and where yourdevices are out of batteries you canjust place them in the case push abutton and they will recharge again youcan recharge these devices up to threetimes so with a full charge of a caseyou cancharge your devices three times so myvote here goes to the saramonic for thisextra feature the next category is gonnabe the body and the build of the bodyall of them the very light and portablethere's not much of a differenceactually in terms of quality they allfeature a mini jack input for a lapelmic a mini jack output for livemonitoring so you can use your earphonesand yeah live monitor your sound a usbccharging port and a magnetic back clipthe one on the lensgo actually comesoff for quick release mounting they areall very similar so to be honest i wouldgive a vote to each of themi just switched to the lensgo 348c using the built-in microphone becausethat's the only one on the system andwe're going to talk about dimensions andweight let's talk about godox so thetransmitter and receivers weighed 27grams the dimensions are 50 by 40 by 14millimeters the case actually measures162 millimeters by 66 by 28. for the lensgo we have a weight for the devicesof 40 grams the dimensions are 48 by 48by 17 millimeters the case is a squareshape 127 by127 millimeters so harmonic let's talkabout the devices they weight35.5 grams each dimensions 46 by 46 by16.4 millimeters the case it's 180 by 85millimeters i would say my vote heregoes to the godox move link because it'sthe more compact actually and probablythe lightest amongst the three i'm justtalking about the system without thelapel microphone so just thetransmitters the receiver and the caseso between the three the godox i thinkis the lightest and more portable youcan literally fit in your pocket nextcategory we're going to talk about thedisplay digital display all of themfeature a digital display the godox movelink features a display either on thetransmitter and the receiver and it'sonly one color i i don't know if it'sblack and white it's just one color the lensgo it's actually a color displaybut it's not showing really anything onthe transmitter you can just see some ofthe features and settings on thereceiver like the volume the mute modeand so on and that's it basicallythere's a couple of lights as well thesaramonic features a color display againit's the quickest in terms of reactionso when i speak and i see the volume umthe transmission time is the quickestbetween the three and also the displayfeatures auto brightnessso extra features both goes to thesaramonic blink 900 b2 i switched to thelapel microphone on the lensgo 348c now as this microphonedoesn't come with a lapel microphone i'musing the one from godox we used beforeit's probably not a fair comparison butit doesn't come with any so that's a waybear in mind i'm not even touching thevolume of the three microphones so thisis the default volume and gain of themicrophones just have an idea again notthe differences we're going to talkabout the available settings on themicrophones on the godox we have a pairbutton a mute mode stereo and mono modeand manual gain on the lensgo we havepair button stereo motor mode and manualgain on the saramonic we have per buttonyou can also choose the language a mutemode goes from stereo to mono manualgain auto gain and also output level sodefinitely more settings more optionsfor the saramonic blink 900 we're goingto talk about some extra features thateach microphone can offer us godox nonewhatever i said before that's what yougetfor the lensgo actually we have quiteinteresting one which is a cardrecording so in each transmitter you canactually insert a card a mini sd cardand record the sound directly into themicrophone this is a safety net becauseas we mentioned before these are 2.4gigahertzfrequencies microphones which is one ofthe frequencies most used especially formicrophones all around the world it'seasy to get interferences but also easyto lose signal in this way with the sdcard in your microphone in yourtransmitter you'll make sure you willhave a recorded track on the microphoneitself to record on the transmitter youwill find a rack button saramonic noextra features so for this category thewinner is the lensgo 348c by the wayi'm talking to you through the blinkright now i just switched this is thebuilt-in microphone with windshield ondistance range i'm not sure how many ofyou are interested in this category butit's on the paper let's test them outactually i tested each individualmicrophone before again go and check thereviews down here so on paper the godoxmove link reaches up to 50 meters the lensgo 100 meters the saramonic 200meters and during my test actually theblink 900 was the most solid so kudos totheblinknext category the most important thesound quality and here actually i'mgonna leave it to you guys so you'veheard the previous microphones i'm usingnow the blink 900 with the lapel mic soyou've listened to the six differentoptions drop a comment down here i'mvery curious to see which one you prefernow i'm gonna close here for a secondgoing in post production during thevideo editing and i'm gonna listen tothe six options as well and i'm gonnagive you my opinion my thoughts in a fewsecondsi'm back i went through the edit theseare my initial considerationsokay solisten to the three microphones ofcourse and honestly in terms of qualityaudio quality i couldn't reallyspot any big differencethe only thing i noticed was about thegain and the audio level in general the lensgo was the loudest amongst thethree and the saramonic blink 900 wasactually the quietest but with a bit ofpost-production they all sound the sameand actually they sound good to me sokudos to all of themnow let's talk about the winner aboutthe comparison on paper the saramonicblink 900. and bear in mind this is apersonal comparison once again so don'ttake anything for granted that's myopinion well something is actually beingtested but it's also personal thing soyou should get the microphone you thinkit's more suitable for your work foryour style whatever just choose yoursnow i'm gonna share my personal favoriteone for different reasons and i'm gonnatell you straight away which one it iswhich is the one i'm using right nowblink 900 b2why different reasons overallportability in here you have all theaccessories and the devices you need andcompared to the other it's actually themost portable one i like the designrounded corners the build is goodqualitydoesn't feel cheap at all and it soundgreat the charging case is the bestamongst the three because you can chargethe devices three times and you can justcarry the case anywhere without anycable it comes with lapel microphone asit does also the godox move linkbut againthe lensgo es doesn't for example thewindshield of the built-in microphone isthe least invasive whilewell on the lensgo first of all i'vegot the white version which is veryvisible andit's big and the one from the move linkis actually hugesoyou know this one makes me feel a bitmore comfortable when i'm in publicspaces also more settings we havedifferent modes different optionsdifferent settings to choose from on thedevice and that's why you pay more it'sthe most expensive microphone amongstthe three but still when you pay moreprobably usually you have better qualityandmore features so my vote goes toblink 900 b2 that's all about thiscomparison video i hope i helped you outand uh if i did hit the subscribe buttondo it man do it i mean seriouslydo it i'll see you in the next onethanks for watchingdid you do itsubscribe now man subscribecheersseriously