LENSGO Blog & News

have to use a mic

so in the last video we took a look atthe mirror fact audio we10 pro which isvery similar to the rode wireless go 2 system but this week we're going to be taking alook at the lensgo 348c also a competitor tothe road wireless go 2. stay right thereyou're going to want to see this[Music]and if you haven't already done so goahead and check out the video about themirroraudio system to see how that onecompares to the wireless co2 and also make sure yousubscribe to my channel because we'regoing to be talking about the c100 markii and the sony a6400 and the one that iusemore for weddings this season and whyand all equipment discussed in this video is down in the description below and anyequipment used to create this video isalso there toonow one of the coolest things about therode wireless go 2 is the fact that youcantransmit your audio wirelessly and youcan recorda backup as well the only problem withthis system isit does not use an sd card when yourecord the audio it's being recordeddirectly to theto the device not that big of a dealuntil you have to thentake that audio file put it into roadssoftware on your computer because it isnot an mp3or wav file so you need that software toexport it as an mp3 away filethen you can use it but the lens gosystem is differentit does use an sd card you can take thatout throw it in your computer you willhave a wavfile and from there you can take thataudio and use it in yourediting software or however else youplan on using itnow we'll be doing a range test andaudio quality test a little later butfirst let's just take a look around thetransmitter and receiver you get twotransmitters and onereceiver um or you could just buy thesystem that comes with one transmitterand one receiverat the top you have an input for a 3.5millimetermic or you don't have to use a mic you could just clip this to your shirt andthere is a recorder at the topon the side you have the power button[Music]on the back you have your clip which isconnected via a magnet so you canactually just pull that offand on the other side of the unit youhave an sd card slotbecause you can record to your audio toa card as a backupand then of course you got your usb soas you can see here i have it plugged ontop of the camera it comes with a 3.5millimeter umcord to connect to your camera and ifyou look at the receiveryou know you can control your levelsthere's volume controls on the side soyou can make the levelslow or high or you can hold the twobuttons together and switch from mono tostereoso you can make it so that it's a monowhich means that it's mixed downinto one track or you could separate thetracks and then the leftwill be one transmitter and the rightwill be anothertransmitter and then while you're umediting your stuff you can control eachmicrophone independently umwe're gonna go ahead and start off witha range test the audio that you'rehearing right nowis the actual audio that's coming fromthe lens go system it's coming from thismicrophone that's on my shirt actuallymove it up a little bita little closer to my mouth umactually it's probably going to do bestthere sothis is what you're hearing you'rehearing it directly from thistransmitterwe're gonna do a range test i'm gonnawalk across this across this fieldnot quite sure how long this is butyou know it's way over 100 100 feet solet's go ahead and take a walk and seeif you can still hear meand it's about to rain soon so i'mtrying to hurry this up but this rightnow is probably about a good30 feet away i would say maybe 25 feetnow this is a 2.4 gigahertz system so itreally needs line of sight to work soturning my backmakes the sound go in and out because mybody is blockingthe receiver so keep that in mind youneed line of sightnow i'm just going to speed up thiswalking test a bit you don't need towatch this forever because you can'teven hear what i'm sayingbut you can see i'm quite a distanceaway eventually i will turn around andi'll show you thatand at this distance you're still notreally hearing me so it's not workingfrom this distance might be a littleover 200 feeti'm going to kind of speed it up nowright about this distance is where itcomes back onsomethingi'm start counting my footstepsfive six seven eight nineten eleven twelve thirteen fourteenfifteen sixteen seventeen eighteennineteentwenty twenty one twenty two twentythree twenty fourfive two six seven eight three ninethirtythirty one thirty two thirty three 33 343536 37 30 39 40 4142 43 44 45 467 40 49 50. okay so yeah i thought thatwasmore than 100 feet so it's definitelymore than 100 feet so there you canthere you go now you can kind of hearthe audio quality i do have the windmuff onbecause it was slightly windy a momentago now it's really notso i probably don't even really need itbut it was windy a second ago next i'mjust gonna take this offnow one thing about this unit as you cansee hereit actually has like a magnet on it soyou could just pull it off just like idid right there just pull it right offand it just snaps back it's pretty goodit doesn'tyou know it's probably not going to falloff very easilyi was a little afraid of that when itook it to a wedding i used it for thereception and the speeches clipped it onthe suspendersof a uh of the best man and then it wasclipped onto the umbridesmaids dress and i was afraid i waslike man this thing's gonna fall off andit didn't soi guess that's good so now when it comesto the magnetwhat i do like about having that magnetis you can easily take it off of yourcamera and just kind of look at it andadjust your gain levelsor switch it from stereo to mono orwhateveryou know you could kind of troubleshootthe unitvery easily without having to unclip themicor disconnect it from the camera justeasily take it on and off and i dokind of like that but originally thereason i bought these was becausewhen i'm doing receptions and people aregiving speechesi really don't like having to run themicrophone lavalierto to you know through people's clothingand stuff during the reception becausesometimes there's like four or fivepeople that speaki don't want to have to keep taking thething off running wiresclipping into this putting in thisperson's pocket it's too much of a painso personally i thought to myself thiswould be better because i could justclip itto someone's shirt or to someone's dressand then if they if they're donespeaking and someone else is speakingthat i didn't know aboutthey can easily just hand it off to thatperson and then i don't have to worryabout running wires and stuff because itjust takes too much timeso that was really the thought aboutthisnow another thing about this unit thati'm not really in love with is thelights that are on the front of itum doesn't look so bad when you'rerecording outdoorsbecause you really can't see the lightsthat much they're not distractingbut when you think of these type ofunits that they're starting to make thatyou just clip right on your clotheswell they're pretty cool i guess exceptfor the fact they're already distractingbecauseit's not just a little lavalier anymorethat's on your clothes you got this kindof bigger box that's on your clothesand then when you add lights to that nowto me if you're indoors it's verydistracting because you got these lightsflashing on the thing got redblue green i'm not a fan of it soto to kind of uh reducethe distraction i put gaffers tape ontop of the lights so that you don't seethemso that's kind of a workaround foranybody out there that's alsofinds the lights distracting just put alittle tape on it and then it's not asbad so there's a quick look at the unithopefully that helps you out if you'rethinking about buying itand if you haven't subscribed pleasemake sure you do because in aupcoming video we'll be taking a look atsome real world resultsfrom the lens go system and the merefact audio systemand we'll see how these really did at awedding and while you're at it itwouldn't hurt my feelings if you areenjoying the video to like it and don'tbe afraid to share