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wireless microphone from

hello i am very excited today earl hallhere by the way um amazon influencerand i am just excited about bringing youthis brand new product that i'vediscovered it is a wireless microphone from lens go this little unit is sopowerful i tested it out yesterday andi'm going to let you hear exactly whatit sounds like in a moment once i switchto my other setup here but this littleunit this is basically the transmitterit is the part that when you turn thison it is going to connect with themicrophone now this little microphone itcomes with the fuzzy cat on it righthere at the top and you can adjust thevolume on this as well actually it's onthe transmitter unit you can adjust thevolume up or down and get that exactright sound that you need what i loveabout this too is not only does it comewith the little fuzzy cat on the top ordead cat as we call them you can see itjust clips right off but you can alsoyou see the microphone right there thesilver part in the top hopefullyand then there's another input that youcan actually usea separate microphone or lapel mic withand i've got one around here and i willshow you that as well but it plugs inright on the top so you can just click aclip a lapel mic right on your shirt orwhatever you want so that you cancapture that sound now also the thingabout this as well i'm going to put thislittle dead cat back on this little minidead cat back on the unit here it comeswith a clip on the back so that you canactually clip the microphone directly toyour clothes as well and have that therenow what i am also seeing here it's gotthis the little clip that's on the backbut you can take this off it's just amagnet and you can actually put this onit as well this little silver piece thatjust clips right on the back you canhear itlocking into place right there and usethis as well so what i can dowhen i have this little clip on the backi can just put this inside of my shirtand then that just clips on via magnetright there easy peasy right sonow what this does it'll plug directlyand it comes with two different cablesso you've got a two different cablesthat pretty much do the same thing oneof these cables can go one of these endscan either go into your computermicrophone jack the other the other endintoum theunit itself which is the out thetransmitter unit you can plug that inalso it's got this little stretchy cordas well that you can plug into thetransmitter unit and then also into yourdslr camera either cord will work forthis and thethe red end i should say the one withthe threeum the three lines here you can see andone has two lines basically this oneplugs into the transmitter unit and theone with the three lines will plug intoyour dslr camera and so what i'm goingto do also this is the case that itcomes inas well and what this does what thiscase does it gives you the ability i'mjust going to take this fuzzy cat off itgives you the ability to go ahead andput this in the charging caseand it comes with a usb as wellso that when these are in the caseyou can charge both unitsat the same time and via usb it justplugs right into the usb port on the side and whenthat is plugged inyou'll see the um the power buttonon the rightside of this i'm not sure if you can seeit on camera but it's lit up and alsoit's lit up on the front of the unitas well alsoyou can charge these piecesindividually so i can plug this in viausb right here as wellum on the microphone itself and thenalso you can plug it in if you just wantthe transmitter part you can plug thatin via usbalso the little fuzzy cat does come offbut it just clips right back on so whati'm going to do now i'm going to switchoverto my other station i'm going to plugthis this microphone from lens go thiswireless microphone i'm going to plugthis into my dslr and you're going to beable to hear the actual sound comingfrom the microphoneokay now we're over on our dslr camerawe have the transmitter plugged directlyin to the dslr camera through the littlestretchy cord one end just pops rightinto the dslr the other pops into thetransmitter unit herenow there's a couple of things that iwant you to know so it's got a volumecontrol right here on the transmitterthat you can turn down so you canprobably hear my voice going down a bitas i'm pumping it down and i'm pushingit back up and i'm just watching mylevels i thinkabout right there is pretty good let mejust turn it down just a little bit moreall right so there it is right there howit is that i want the sound for thisunitone of the things that i love about thislittle wireless microphone um from lensgo is that you can pop a little mini sdcard in here right on the side it's gota slot for the mini sd and that justpops in and you can recordright here on the unit and then transferthat sound as wellif you need to be able to do that thisis an outstanding featurethat this has along with it you can hearthe sound quality of this and i'm justgoing to go ahead i got the clip righthere on my shirt and i'm just going topop this on if i can find it with myhand here and it's just a littlesilver clip on the back and that's justgoing to pop right in there and it'sgoing to basically sit there on my shirtand be able to record also what i'mgoing to be able to do is pop in the toppart of thiswe're going to be able to use a regularlapel mic to pop into the top of this aswell i'm not going to do that right nowbutwhat the way that i'm going to be ableto use it so you can pop this littlemicrophone on your hip and just have thelapel mic to be able to use that as wellalso what i can see myself using this asbecause it just pops right in on a coldshoe mount on the top of my camera whichi absolutely just love and also i canuse this mic on a mic boom so let's justsay for instancethat you know you just wanted to havethe microphone just out of just out ofcamera shot so right there it's incamera shot right there it's out ofcamera shot pointed directly at me andyou're still capturing amazing soundthis little device and let me pop thisback on my shirt here so i can continueto pick up sorry if that clip was loudthis littlewireless microphone from lens gois going to be probably a go-to productfor you that create content that are outand about doing vlogsit's going to work great with your slrcam your dslr cameras to be able tocapture some great soundfor the audio that you're doing if youare out and aboutobviously this little um dead cat herethis little mini dead cat is going tocut out a lot of thatbackground wind or things of that naturethat you're going to be using becauseit's going to be mounted right on thetop of your camera pointed at yoursubject and it's going to be outstandingthis is one of the best things that i'vereceived this year it is this littlewireless microphone wireless microphonefrom lens go it is a definitely go to tomike for it's going to be a go-to micfor so many different content creatorsout there video producersanyone that has to capture great audioyou literally are hearing what it soundslike right now make sure you go out grabthis wireless microphoneup your game to create content the newwireless microphone from lens go go grabit


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