yeah a lot of you guys have been askingwhy am i holding a microphone and ishould be getting shotgun microphones uhoverhead microphone lavalier microphoneall of those stuff and i shouldn't beholding a microphone and i agree becausewe were originally using the zoom h1nwhich to be honest it was kind ofretrofitted into this home setup becausewe are still partially working from homeas of nowthis is a zoom h1n equipped with a deadcat fur at the top here to prevent windnoise from interfering with our audiobut of course we need to hold themicrophone as well because that's theonly way to get proper audio and i don'thave any lapel or whatever to connectinto it soyeah and i also dread using thismicrophone in particular because of itsbattery lifesince it only uses double triple abatteriesand coincidentally lensgo approached usafter we published those videos and theysaid hey you guys want to take a look atthis microphone and yeah we said yesbutnone of the things said in this video ismonitored or pre-approved by lensgoand yet this microphone does bring in afew unique ideas which i really like solet's get into itso this microphone here is the lens go348c 1v1 we'll get more into that 1v1later and as you can see at the bottomright corner here it's available in atotal of three different colors the onethat we got here is in black color oncewe unbox it what we get is a user manualusb type-c cable for chargingthis coil cable which is presumably toconnect the lens go microphone to yourcamera directlyand then another cable to connect fromthe lens go microphone directly to yoursmartphone i don't know why they'redoing this becauseas you know audio jacks and smartphonesare starting to die off soand they also included one of thesemagnetic clip things which you canadhere to different surfaces like thecamera's body for example but we'llleave all of those aside and take a lookat this thinginsteadyes the carrying case looks exactly likeone of the microphones sonone of it actually works by the waythere's no functional buttons on thecase but you can see these three littlesemi-translucentslots which is supposed to be lettingthe indicator led from the inside partsto shine throughand at the left side here we have a usbtype-c port for you to directly plug inthe charger to charge everything that'sinside this caseso to open the case it's fairly simplepress the button herepop it openand then we can see there are four slotsbut only three of them are usable so wegot the receiver unit which is labeledrx so this thing is fairly interestingonce you turn it on the lcd screen turnson and then it tells you the volume andalsoif the transmitter devices the one thatis on my shirt here is functioning ornotand there are also a few buttons here toadjust the volume and then there's alsoan audio out to plug it into the cameradirectly as shown in this setup becausethis magnetic clip herethis this magnetic clip is actually foryou to directly clip it onto thecamera's hot shoe mount bracket and thenyou can snap on the lens go348c microphones receiver directly ontothe camerait's kind of convenient actually it'skind of genius too you can use the sameclip clip it on the shirt i'm using oneright now on my shirt but that's aboutit for the receiver part it's kind ofstraightforward so we'll leave it thereand the transmitter part which is theone that's clipped on my shirt right nowthis thing has a lot of features thatwow i i think i'm just gonna use it likethis because it's just that versatile soby just looking at this unit here wehave a date cat kind of fur likesituation going on at the top whichagain blocks out the wind noise and thentaking a look at this side here we canplug in a micro sd card to directlyrecord audio onto the microphone withoutusing the receiver partas in without usingthis part so what i do is just plug inan sd card hold the record button untilit flashes red and then it will startrecording audio directly as a standaloneunitone thing that's distracting though isthat if you can see here the red lightskeep blinkingwhich i think is kind of distractingthroughout the entire recording it'sjust gonna keep blinking and blinkinguh not sure if that's a good idea butit's a good indicator nonetheless i justwish that they put the led maybeto the sidethat would be betteranyway back to the filter at the top wecan actually pop it off by justreleasing the two latches on the sidesand once we remove the filter we can seeyet another 3.5 millimeter audio jackwhich is for us to connect anothermicrophone externally soyeah we do have that option but i don'tknow why they want to hide it underneaththe filter presumably is to preventusers like me from accidentally pluggingit in and then forgetting about itmaybe but how's the audio quality of thelens go 348c microphone well let'scompare it with the zoom h1n so usuallyhow i record is like this i'm gonna holdthe microphone right in from my mouthspeak into it and then i also do a fewpost processing so here it is unmodifiedand then once i have to do some noiseremoval then after that to duplicate thevoice channel from left to right orright to left whichever i feel like itjust to prevent the distractingimbalance in volume and then after thati also have to normalize the volumeboost the volume if necessary then i'mdoneand as for the lens cool 348c this isthe recording that's unmodified and thenhere ismy voice doing the exact samemodifications as i did with the zoomh1ns recordinggranted that i don't have to duplicatemy voice from one channel to the otherbecause this is a model microphone whichis perfectly fine for me and as far as iknow it also records in 44.1 kilohertzfrequency soyeah it sounds pretty good rightbut before we forget we also need totake a look back at this case herebecause like we mentioned earlier thisis the lens code 3 4 8 c but on the boxhere it's also written 1v1 so that onev1 means that we have one receiver andthenversus the v1 transmitterlensco also offers another version whichis the lens go 348c 1v2 which means wehave one receiver and two transmittersso that's what this other slot is forbut for this empty slot hereuhi don't know whybutit's kind of uhunutilized space or maybe unusable spacebecausei try to fit in some of the accessoriesfor example if i just want to bring inone case like this for all themicrophones that i need for my shootingand i cannot put in this cable insidethe casethat is especially true if i'm using the1v2 version because i'm gonna have thisspace occupied by it another transmitterunit but for 1v1 i canput it in hereand stash it in a bit and occupy thisextra spaceso that's something that i think youshould take note of or maybe lens go youcan definitely improve this design a bitmaybe by making thiscase a little bit larger to put in theextra cablesthey'll be nice but again there's aminor detailoverall though the lens go 348cthis is an excellent microphone a reallyconvenient one and for me personallyyeah it suits my use and i now have twofree hands to do whatever i want so thati can show you better things during thiskind of aero situation but for the priceof the lens go 348c as far as i can findits price at about700 ringgit for the 1v1 version but ifyou want the 1v2 variant uh the price iskind of all over the place the lowestset i can find is at about 800 ringgitwhich i thinkis still a very good price because likewhat we referred to earlier this zoomh1n costs about what550 nearly 600 ringgit eachand we got two of them in the officeactually one of them is with me anotherone's with my colleagueyeah it's functionality isn't exactlythe same buti think you can do some math and comparewhich one is more suitable for your usecaseso yeah that's it that's all we have toshare with you about this microphone thelens go 348c if you have any questionsleave them down in the comment sectionbelow and we'll be happy to answer themwhenever we can and also subscribe toour channel i'll see you guys in thenext video goodbyeand hello free handsyou