LENSGO Blog & News

good wireless microphone

hey how's it going welcome to thechannel if you haven't been here beforemy name's tim and on this channel we doa whole pile of film geeky creatoryoutubey kind of things so you're in theright place definitely and today we'regoing to be having a look at somethingbrand new just receive this in the mailit's the lensgo wireless microphone 340c it's areally good wireless microphone senderreceiver lapel type kit as you can seehere it's a two component thing it's gotnice wind sock on it and somethingreally cool that this kit does that alot of these sorts of things don't isthat you can record directly on thetransmitter so that basically meansyou've got a safe copy of the audio hereif for some reason the transmission getsdisrupted or you get line orinterference on the radio signal orsomething like that that's a brilliantthing so let's get this thing out of thebox anyway have a look see what's inhere and then we'll put it onto thecamera and we'll have a look and we'llsee how well it really works in the realworld okay let's get this thing openso here we go here's the box as you cansee it's just the usual kind of box youget with this kind of thingand on the back here it's got the basicspecs and stuff couple of things of noteon here is the 70 meter range which isreally good of course it's got the tfcard slot on the side we were talkingabout before this does come in threedifferent colors you can get it in blackwhite or yellow i've got the white onehere and i'll put the rest of this inthe description below so you can have alook at it later so let's get this thingopen anywayjust pop the top on the box there's twopackages inside here so just pull thoseoutthe first one here is this blue bag it'sgot um a manual in here and a couple ofaudio cables and a usb a2c cableand it's also got this little thing herethis little disky thing which i willshow you some more about later onit's pretty coolin the other bag here we've got thisbig plastic box so we'll just open thatone up now this is really neat it'sactually a charging case it's got a usbcsocket in the side of it so you can plugthis straight in and it's designed tolook like the the small transmitter soi'll open that up by pushing a littlebuttonat the end here and lifting the case soas you can see in here i've got onetransmitter which has got the nicelittle wind muff on top of it and therecord button on the side this alsotakes the tf card in the side of it andi've got one receiver here you canactually have two transmitters that willboth go to the single receiver and leftand right channel if you want to dosomething like that so let's get theseout of the box out of the charging caseas you can see here it's got points downin the side where the devices sit intoso they can just charge away in herequite nicely by themselves i'll justmove that to the side for nowand we'll have a look at these thingswhich arequite neat they're pretty small andthey've got a clip on the back of themon thetransmitterwe've got the record button on the tophereand we've got the slot card on the sideand a usb slot on here as well round onthe other side we've got the powerbutton so if i push that on you'll seethe light comes upand it's looking for something to linktoon the receiver here i can push amatching power button which is down hereon the bottomso i can just hold that in and you cansee the power comes up the link lightcomes up and you've got the screenunderneath here with all of the statusesso it shows you the battery levels ofeverything it's only got one transmitteri might see if i can get another one ofthose that would be quite neatand um there you go thatis basically it so it just opens upstraight out of the box and there you goit's all connected together andand workingso here i've got an audio cable and i'mgoing to plug thatinto thisout socket on the back of the receiverand the other end of that i can plugdirectly into the microphone slotmicrophone 2 here in the atm mini justlike that and that's ready to goand now i can take the transmitter hereand i can just clip that here ontothe collar of my hoodie just like thatand there we go ready to goso that's now transmitting this is nowreceiving so i'm going to switch over toit and we can listen to see how well itworksnow we're listening to the audiodirectly through the lens go into theatm mini i've done nothing to set thisup or set volumes or anything on it itshould be auto volume and auto gamingnow when i'm sitting at my desk normallyi'm using the rode video micromicrophone here that's this thing that ihave above me all the time and i kind ofhave to be mindful of staying inproximity with it but with this thinghere just stuck on here underneath mybed if i should get a black one as welljust so that itcan put it against black clothing andstuffthe great thing about this is it meansthat i can like stand up and head overhere andinto the nether regions of the studio soyou can still kind of see me in thebackground here but i don't have tostart raising my voice and yelling and ican hear it all my way down tothe shelves right at the back here whereyou can barely see me anymorewhich you can't do with a staticmicrophone which is physically attachedto the camera or a boom pole on yourdesk or something like that sohaving this hereupon my jacket just like thatis something that gives me a lot morefreedom to walk around so i could be ina studio space and go and demonstrate awhole pile of things with somebody elsemoving the camera around and not have toworry about audio volumes and so thereyou go back to thedesktop microphone and i'll just switchback againso that you can hear me talking inexactly the same space this time fromthe lapel micand once again from the desktopmicrophone sothat's easy to see what the soundquality difference is i'm not going todo an edit on any of the audio for thisvideo so that you can see exactly whatit's like when i'm talking on thedesktop microphoneor switching to the lapel mic andyammering on with thatso there you go i think this is a greatlittle microphone set i'm going to goout and have a play with it later onwhen it's light outside because it'sdark at the moment and we'll see exactlywhat sort of range i can get out of thiswhether it starts breaking up oranything like that i suspect it's goingto be pretty good i think we're going tofind that the 70 meter range is maybegoing to be a bit of a stretch but we'llgive that a test and see exactly how farwe can go and i'll also test it throughwalls and behind devices as well anotherthing i really want to do with this isto pop the windsock off the top of ithere and you can see the bare microphonei want to put this on the end of a polewith a boom microphone of some sort andsee if i can use this to do a wirelesstransmission of a boom mic back to amixer or a camera if that works reallywell this one's going to be a fantasticmic to have especially if i can get itgoing at that 70 meter range of courseif you feel like the transmitter is alittle bit too big and obvious and isgoing to be seen easily and you need tocon conceal it better you can alwaysjust use a standard lapel mic like thisone here and plug that intothe socket there and then you can justput the lapel microphone hook that ontothe clothing as you normally would andyou're away laughingoh and there's one more really coolthing i wanted to show you rememberthis thing what is it well that's easyyou see what you can do is just takethis off the backof the receiverand it leaves that little magneticdimple in there and this thing fitsstraight into there sojust like that what that means is thatyou can put this here behind a piece offabric like my sleeve just hereand thentake the receiver and put it on theother side of itboom and it will stay there so now youcan put this thing here onto any pieceof fabric and it'll stick sothings like wedding dresses and umsuits that you don't want to put a holeinto or anything like thatthis thing here with its magnet willjustgrab onto there that's a really strongmagnet the other thing you can do withthis of course is it's got a little 3msticky thing on here so if you wanted toyou could like put that onto your carwindow visor or something like thatwhere you want to put a microphone butyou can't run a wire very easily becauseit'll get in the way of driving then youcan put that up there take that off andthen just whenever you wanted to usethis in the carput that in there and you've got amicrophone without a piece of wire goingto your camerabrillianti really like that that's a sort ofinnovative thing that can make a realdifferenceoh and finally the clip that goes ontothe back of the microphone is exactlythe right width and design to fit intothe cold shoe mount on a camera so youcan just put that on there and thenclip the microphone onto a camera andnow you've got a wireless mic stuck onthe front of your camera oh and if youdon't recognize the camera that i choseto stuck this onto it's because it's areally old camera in fact it's my firstever video camera i had when i uh and iuse this to make a short film which isthere's a link to that just there if youwant to go watch that later now if youwant to see the outside test want to goand shoot that click down here so thatyou can subscribe to the channel don'tforget to notify bell on and you canalso watch this video and this videobecause um well youtube have picked themjust for you they know the sort of thingyou like and apparently this is it andi'll see you in another video soon seeyou later


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