hey guys welcome to isaiah's reviewstoday we're reviewing something prettycool this is the lensgo wireless mic system now this one will just have onetransmitter one receiver you can getthose with two transmitters and onereceiver packs as well they come in kindof the same configuration but this ismodel 348c and you can see that this is white thisstands out this is definitely almost afashion statementthis is what you getin the box and this is the accessoriesthis is theum trscable and trrs so there's two cables onefor yourself on one for your camerathere is astandalonemagnet in here so you can just use themagnet we'll get into all that thecharging cable and just your uh 3.5jackets in here i have a bunch of thesesothese packs of stuff like this end upgoing in a drawer a collection drawerso here is the show piece hereum this is the lens go 2.4 gigahertzwireless mic system they even put themodel number right here 348c so you'llalways have the information here andprobably on the back and stuff as wellbut this looks likethe the charges is a charging casecarrying case and everything all in oneand uh which is really cool because itlooks exactly like what the wirelesslittle transmitters look like so pushthis button open this up but firsthere's the charging port here to chargethis you do get some lights on herewhile you're charging through herewhich thesearelengthy but uh if you do getuh a two transmitter system it will gohere and it allows for the clips to godown in here it's recessed here's thelittle pinsand pop downand lower when it's in placeand uh this is the transmitterthis is the receiver and the very verycool part let's talk about thetransmitterthis my friendsis extremely cool because the waythis little fur ball here mounts on itclips on fromthe sidesand it stays in place it's firm in placeand here's a little feltgasket that goes around here that willseal kind of aroundthe microphone array and then thethe uh the little jack here themicrophone jack for your live is hereokaythat is very cool on the sides is evencooler we get theuh tf which is micro sd card slot herewe got a charging uh where you canindividually charge if you want to herecharging portand we spin around we got a power buttonwe get the actual microphone which ispretty doggone big and beefyin comparison tothe wireless go which i have here that'swhy i have this set now i'm using thisin the livemode but the grill on this is like twicethe sizeof the one built into the wireless goand while we're here let's just look atsize comparisons it's a little thickerthe same size as far as the square goesbut thicker and i'm sure there'sjustification there becausehere is the record buttonit's an actual clicky button and thenwe'll blink whenever it's recordingwhich is very cool because you can usethis as a card and a transmittertogether so you have actual good audiowhich is fantastic for these 2.4gigahertzmic systems here because if you get outthe range on this is almost 300 feetabout 250 feet line of sight um butwhenever you get out there past 50 feetin between 50 and 100 feet and you turnand this loses line of sight uh you willloseyour reception as well sohaving the micro sd card here in a wavfile recording to which you can recordand record to the transmitter so you gottwo copies you can keep a constantcontact here so if you know you aregoing to venture out uh past range andline of sight you can just slap a cardin and go so this really is an awesomekitum already and we just we got the audioyet the clipthis is a magnet right so you can getthis in position and this thingsnaps on look how quickboom i mean it's in there hard and thenthatthis right here you can put this behindyour shirt or something and it locks itin from moving to thisrecessed part that sticks out and thislittle washer looking thing well thatcan go behind your shirt and it justlocks in it's not going to move or youcan use the clip i suggest clipping itfirst and then doing this because if youdon't the whole thing rocks when you tryto use the clip so just clip thisand then magnet that so pretty easy umthis does stand out you know with thiswindscreen this is white umthere's a lot of lettering through herethat's probably the downside if you wantthis to show it's going to be a fashionstatement but you don't even have to letit show you can tuck it away in yourpocket because you've got the loft portright there which is sweet so let's getto theuh receiverso the receiver has a line outhas a power button and it has plus minusbecause you can adjust things on herebecause there is a screen and you havethe same exact stylemagnet mount here so you're prettyversatile on what you can do and use itwithwhich is fantastic and by comparisonyou're looking atlet me see herethe samesizeclip as the road so you can stick thisin your cold shoe and do the exact samething which this is cool because thenyou just pull this off your camera youcan leave this on there and then you cando whatever change your settings look atit stick it back on you don't have toworry withactually moving this out of the coldshoe which can maybe move your cameradisrupt you in some way but let's turnthis onwe'll doa brief show here so you actually get anice screen here and then there's yourstatus light waiting to connectso let's just pair thisshould pair right out of the box yepsand then so you get the battery statusof one twoyou can have both battery set like it'sit's geared up for twobut uh this one's only got one here youcan see the feedback meter for the onetransmitteron one side and if you have two of themconnected you can see them both you dowant stereo mode you just hold plusminus on the side down together and itwill switch over to stereobut i want monoso then it switches right back over tomono boom and also at a glance on hereyou get the battery feedback you getyour rangegraph right here that shows you how wellyour reception is to thetransmitter and of course the batteryreadout as i said you get a livefeed of of what your actualuh if you're peaking or not here and youdo get gain control and stuff like thatso you do get everything that you needright here and so if someone's using thecamera they can see this at a glancethere is no headset adapter on this unithere to mic monitor from here but if youhave that built into your camera you cando that uh from your camera so now weare listening to the rodelive mic now so i'm going to disconnectthe live part and now we're going to godirectly into the wireless goand so i'm going to talk a little bitgive you a sense of the road wireless goand then we're going to transition rightover to the lens again just like thatwe're onto the lens go system so this iswhat the mic sounds like there there isa big difference in microphones rememberthe lens go has a bigger mic on it sothis could potentially soundbetter and when i was testing this outfor range and stuff like that with mywife one of the things that she didn'tlike about it which i could actually usethis as a mic and talk about like thisis a over exaggerated size of this sohow cool is that so for display purposesand speaking i'm gonna have this in myhand and talking about this so good jobanyway uh forlooks my wife was like dudethat's not good looking or appealing andit's really not to have on screen andprofessional environment but if you'remaking a statement and stuff like thatuh there's the only way that these guysare going to stand out to me in acrowded world like this is overlycrowded the 2.4 gigahertz uh wirelessmic system since the wireless go cameout is justlike crowded so you got to do somethingto stand out and these mics sound reallygood the look of these are really goodi'm justreally impressed with the whole wholesetup and i'm just going to snap this inso we can see what the live will soundlike as welland now here we are on the lav mic sothis may or may not sound better i'llknow in postbutthis should sound just as good if notbetter because looking at the graphreadoutthe volume kicked upand it looks good on the graphlike it looks really clean and solid updown on the graph so i'm not seeing alot ofboom at the bottom of the graph any kindof noise coming in so that's a greatthingand now i'm just going to take this outand finish and slidethis back outand i do notice that it's not as hotas it was so i'm gonna have to play withthe gain a little bit in post and thenediting i'm sure to get the sound justright on the mic butyou know for this system for this pricethe link is down in the youtubedescription uh from what i've playedwith it for the over the past few weeksjust tinkering and messing around ireally like it you get the tf card yougot the micro sd card recorder right onthis so if you know that something'sgoing to be in question and you're notjust right here doing thispop a card in it's not going to hurt andpush the record button here and thiswill blinkso these two lights here they stay onbut then you get this blinky light sothat may be when you want to introducethe live to reduce on all this going onbecause then you have three lights youhave thisthing set up and it's not really thatexpensive to get one of these at all uhthis is the white edition they haveblack and yellow i really do like it imean anybody that's going to take achance and design something this crazythat is just a fashion thing and thenknow that they might hurt themselves alittle bit but who cares you have tostand out in the crowd the magnet themagnet system is greatuh the only thing is if you're trying toyou know do it like this it's not goingto holdits position like it's going to go pooplike that which thankfully it's weightedin the bottom and the mic up top is thelighter end so it's going to sit likethis all the time but if you need it togo like this it might warm its way likethat so in future additions uh if youcan have some kind of resistance inthere for whatever you do turn thiseverywhere which way on both thereceiver and transmitter it stays whereyou put it that would be great andbut as far as the fabric magnet insidethat doesn't really matter because idon't think you can create anyresistance it's just your fabric rightso make sure to explode on thatsubscribe button and ding that down soyou get notified on the next audioproduct a good one that i got coming outnext because this one was good i likedit so go check it out link is down inthe youtube description see you