g'day guys what's crackin it's ralphhere and check this out the lensgo wireless microphone model 348c and basically it's a wireless microphone that we're gonna unbox and have a lookat now lenscowe're very very kind to reach out to meand to ask me if i would liketo reviewthis product and i said absolutely iwould so here we go let's go it's a 2.4gigahertz i think this is actually thecase but they made the case look likethe actual units they have now as youcan see these are white there's also ablack and a yellow option keep safetyfirst we're a hi-vis vest so these arethe two receiver unit units this is theunit that goes on top of your camerathat's the line out that goes from thereinto the side of your camera you chargeit through there uh you would turn it onthere and later on we'll work out one ofthose two buttonsall right as for these two scruff nutswhat i call my kids when the hair lookslike this you can put a memory card inthere you have a usb c plug there tocharge it and over here you have thepower imagine you turn the power on ittells you you've got power and that willtell you whether you've linked it so ifwe turn this one on over here this onesays power and it's linked just likethat how easy is that and then the lcdlights up with this information to tellyou where the battery is at where thesignal strength is atand which one is active at the momentand i should be able to speak in to thisand there you go it's peaking just likethat if we flip this over you'll seethat this um can attach any which way soit can attach to your shirt or toanother microphone standand it's got a bit of give there too andthat's that's pretty firmand it's magnetized so you couldprobably stick another magnet on thereand do as you will with it there is achance that that will come off just becareful if that gets knocked off andobviously this is a win so i figured youknew that now the other cool thing aboutthis case is you can put your goodies inhere and you can charge it through hereso the whole case gets to be chargedwhile you put them in so you put them inthe end of the day or in the middle of ashoot when you think oh we're runninglow stick it in and away you go pullthat upand it gives you the opportunity to plugin a lavalier microphone or have the uhthe microphone through there we alsohave this neat little pack with someinstructions a trs cable that will plugintoyour receiver units and your camera wehave a charging cable and we have aaudio cable andplug it into something elsewell if you're enjoying this review sofar please subscribe down below and hitthat like button if you'd like to jointhe channel i'd encourage you to do soas well now the build unit on thesethey're really quite light light is goodmeans they're not going to be reallycumbersome and they're quite uh compactit's how big they are slight of hand andthe i know it was rubbish so let's havea look at the specslet's see what it can do and give it abit of a test run let's just take amoment speaks friend to friend i'mhaving a little bit of an issue at themoment with my beard i have fmkyeah face mask kink yeah look it updon't bother i just i just made it upbut it's got this horrible kink from aface mask which will be a littleridiculous do i shave it off that's thequestioncomments below if you think i shouldshave it off or if you think it's worthkeeping and sticking around it's justi don't know it's got a life of its ownpeople a life of its own let's see howthis works we're going to take ourcamera attach our rx to it rx is forreceiver module take our trsplug that in the back plug it in theside position camera prepare beard turnthem both on and here we go this is anaudio test with the dead cat on it wouldnormally sit about hereso what's that quality like now let'stake the dead cat off now is thisquality is it better is it louder it wason a microphone here this is anomnidirectional microphone so you shouldbe able to pick this up not a worry atall let's put a lavalier microphone onit how's that the lavalier microphonesonhow's it going give it a bit of wakeywakeyso what's the quality like do you enjoythis is it working for you because thisshould be able to workwith this and have two people talking atoncewhatlet me show you second layer of mic sonow we've got thisand this both on the lavalier and howwe're going to do this well let me justshred this outyou should be able to hear me quiteclearly through this is that trueand now you should be able to hear mequite clearly through this is that truethese two transmitting units work reallywell if you're doing an interview ifyou're on a podcast if you want to getin someone's face but also have a chanceto talk at the same time if you're doingtwo scenes two people in a scene or somedescription where you can laugh them upthen this little unit is the go-to thislittle gem doesn't just stop thereremember that other cable i was talkingabout the one that's not actually anaudio cable where you put the red pluginto the receiver unit and you plug thisinto your phone by using a phoneconnector and this is where i get supercool because you can fire up the videofunction on your phone just like thisand turn around on my beautiful face andi can record video wirelessly to myphone and i love that so this can betaken 70 meters away and be looking atme miles away and here i am talkingthroughthe wireless converter come on now thatmeans you don't need to just do it witha lav mic you can do it with this or youcan do with the shotgun mic you can putany mic you like on your phone attachthis to your phone comes with thislittle magnetic button that may be ofsome help at some stage with an adhesivestopand you can basically get great audionow from your phoneas you recordyour microphone to iti love that and then you can do the sameyour computer so you just stick this onthe computerand it does the same thing but that'snot all this beautiful piece oftechnology does there's one more thingthat you really need to know about soall up the model 348c from lensgo costs245 us dollars that's pretty competitivein the market and hopefully you've seentoday what you think of the quality butthere's one more function that i thinksets this apart from others and that isthat if you insert into here an sd carda micro sd card it can be 32 gigs orbelow it doesn't work if you have olderthan that you actually turn this intoits own recording unit so it recordsfrom the microphone all the way throughto the sd card and to do that you turnthe microphone on by pressing the recordbutton and you have to wait until itstarts flashing once it starts flashingthen we're live so the audio you'rehearing right now is from this now myhunch is that it's actually quite lowand i think that's mythat's the one issue i take with thisplus to turn it off you have to hold therecord button for quite a long timelet's just see if at the same time i canrecord with this as it's all plugged inand ready to go as the microphone on topso it should work i'd like to record onthis at the same time as it recordingthe audio on that so i press it down itgoes red it starts to flash and what i'minterested in is will it record on thisand will it recordon the zfcwhich is the remote trigger so as youcan see it passed all the tests it doeseverything you'd want with the exceptionbut when you record just through this orthrough a lavalier mic the volume isconsiderably less so when you'rerecording straight to camera or otherdevices the volume's spot-on but whenyou're recording just itself itselfyou have to take into account thatyou're losingprobably five to ten decibels that maybe really important you can bring thevolume up in post however if something'sa bit further away like you mightstruggle to actually hear it at all ifit's at arm's length because i was usingit pretty close having two receivers isso good because it gives you a wholehost of other options this also works asa foley mic so if you wanted to recordum some sound effects that werehappening like this this this or thisyou can do this by just uh having thisconnected to your camera or connected toyour phone or connected to your computerand you can take this wherever you liketo do what you want to do and not haveto lug everything around with you plusif you're a musician this is super handyyou can click it on your guitar put itby your piano sing some vocals into itand not have to worry about holding thisthing you can actually also put a lavmic on and what do you know you're allyou're all wired up for sound you'reready to go i hope this has been reallyhelpful for you please subscribe i'dlove for you to join me in this endeavorof this channel and you can um you canclick on the link below if you'd like tojoin if you consider joining me and andit's yeah it's a few perks for you and afew cool things and you get to be partof um what we're doing around here uhreally appreciate all of you and thankseverybody until next video i'll see youthen