g'day everyone today i wanted to talk toyou about this microphone wireless microphone kit that was sent to meit's actually this unit which is from lensgo and i'll leave all the links downbelow wherethis can be purchased but it's a model348c and this is the white model in thefact that it's got wide edges and it'salso white on the back and the windsocksare white as well you can see down thebottom it shows that you can get blackand also yellow as well with this wholekit but let me just show you what'sinside thisbecause the case is really coolwhen you look at it so this is the caseitself now this is a charging case whichis really cool because it sort of lookslike a bigger version of the unitsthemselves when i open this upumit shows the inside here now you chargethe whole devices through this casethere's a usb c port through here andyou can charge them and and the lightsflash on the front and i'll show you avideo of that as i'm talkingthat's really nice and also glows redthrough here why it's charging upas well but it's it's a great littlecase because you don't have to say takeindividual usbc charges to charge theseup they will charge straight inside hereand there's even an empty spot herewhere you can put your leads and i'llshow you what you get in the box in aminute but these are the units that areinside it so they are quite smallso there's two in the kit that i've gotthere's two transmitters and onereceiver and that's the two unitsthat you're looking at hereif i turn on the receiver the unitson the front here are very good actuallyyou see as i'm talking into this nowthis is just one unit that's that's onbut it's very very clear i haven't takenthe plastic coating off this yet butit's very clear to look at and i'llexplain what all of these are in aminute as we go through them but youknow it's it's terrificthe transmitters themselves don't haveanything on themapart from just the record button thati'll talk about in a minute which isthrough hereand you can see the windsock that'sthat's on here as well but the greatthing also about these is the littleclip at the back that you can take offand on now this is fantastic becauseit's it's actuallymagnetic so if you don't want to havethem on you can take it off and justclip it back on that's a great designfeature and it comes with this littlemid middle one too that i think issticky on this side and then you couldstick that onto things and then just youknow take this off and then stick thatlittleuh part on as well to anything elseyou'd like to put it on tooas well and let me show you what you gotin the boxi've got the three unit which means it'sgot two transmitters and one receiveryou can also get just one transmitterand one receiver as well this is showingyou the receiver here and these are thetwo transmitters that you get youalso get the carry case and the chargingbox i should say you get the wind umproof they call it frabit fur that sitson the top and that's really nice howthat works i'll show that actuallybecause normally with these um theydon't hold on very well but this is anice design because they have clips onthe side of this unityou can see here that so they're sort ofa little cut out that you can see thereand these wind sockshave two little sort of clips that gointo those now it covers the whole topof this which is great and all you do isyou just sort of push it on the top likethis and then it'll clip in that you'llhear it clip and then it won't come offthis is a brilliant design probably oneof the nicest that i've seen actuallyand the easiest to sort of put ini really like that aspect of it so youget that magnetic buckle as well whichlike i said you could sort of stick ontosomething if you wanted to do it thatwayyou also get um two magnetic threemagnetic clips as well and i really likethat system i think it's really good you get one camera cable one smartphonecable and also once a type c cable thatyou'd use for charging and you get amanual with it as well so these are thethree units that we've got here you've got yourreceiver on this side and your twotransmitters on this side that you'vegot with this kit you can see thewindsocks on the topthe power indicator will be blue ifthere's power if it becomes low inpower they will flash red which is niceso it will give you a warning if it's ifthere's not much power you can alsocheck the battery indicators throughhere as well now this is the batteryindicator for the receiver and these arethe two battery indicators for the twotransmitters that you've got over hereas well so you can monitor that you canalso see the signal strength as well uhthrough here and your volume can becontrolled here as well and i'll showyou how this all works in a minute whenwe look at all the controls onanother pageit is showing also whether it'srecording if you hold these down thesefor around three to five seconds it willrecord on a memory card and i'll showyou that as we look a little bit furtheron also you can record in stereo whichmeans each one of these is independentyou'll have one on the left channel oneon the right channel or you can makethis manual so that they both come in onone channel as well it just depends howyou'd like to use this so you havegot control over that too so whatwe'll do now is we'll look at how theunits actually work now it has abuilt-in 32 gigabyte tf card slot and italso uses a 2.4 g frequencyfor the wireless on this now a couple about the controlsof how this is it's very very simple touse actually there's very few controlson it which is what you really wouldlike i mean it's so easy to use uhparticularly for a beginner like i saidthere's just the power indicator at thetop there your signal indicator is hereif it's green you've got signalthrough they're all in sync which isgreat to know as wellyou've got your recording button that'son this this is the tx that i'm talkingabout at the moment and that's yourmagnetic clip that just clips onto thebackyou've got your power button which is onthis side as well on the other side ofthe tx the transmitters you've got yourmemory card which will go into here andi'll show that on another slide in asecond you've also got the type ccharging interface through this side aswell now on the top of theseyou have your built-in microphone andyou can also put a lav an external lavmicrophone into here as well which is great so you've got both options thatyou can use if you'd like to the onlything is obviously if you are going touse an external lav you're going to haveto take the windsock offnow the receivers this is where all yourcontrols are like i said on this sidehereyou've got basically showing thatit's the rx that you're looking atthrough here it's showing you that it'srx on thereyou've got your battery indicator forthat your two battery indicators for theother unitsfor your transmitters are there as wellyour volume controls now you can controlthe volume on this with minus three to aminus one or you can go plusone two and three so you have got a fairbit of control over volume with these as well you've got usbc which is greatbecause you can charge these as they'rebeing used and that's one good thingyour power button the magnetic clipthrough here and this is how you controlyour volume as well up here too this isshowing you where your micro sd cardgoes into here now that's a greatfeature because you can take thisstraight in record on it now i always dorecommend turning your recordings onevery time you're going to be usingthesebecause that way if you do lose signalwell then you've still got a recordinghappening and that's actually saved mebefore because i've lost signal withanother device that i use it's actuallythe while the rode wireless go twos umand it saved me with that because istill had the recording internally soit's great that this has that built intoit um and all you have to do is holddown the recording button here foryou know three to five seconds now itdoes show you that on the umreceiver here it will show you if it'srecording there's a red light will showup on these two buttons sort of here soyou can tell that it's recording at thetime it actually says that you haveseven hours and eight hours of the rxrecording so i'm not actually quitecertain because i haven't run them downbut like i said you could charge itpermanently through the usbc anyway thisis showing how you would connect it toyour mobile phone if you wanted to gothat way what we'll do now is we'll gooutside and we'll check it well i'll doa sort of sample test with it outsidejust to see how it sounds then we'll doa distance test as well sowe'll see how they perform withdistance testing so it did mention inthe specifications that it will work upto 50 meters i think that's basicallysaying that you'll have a loss of signalor 20 meters with no loss of signal sowe'll see howthat performs when we go outside just tosort of see what range we can get out ofthese with them being cleanso we'll do that right now and then i'llcome back to the studio and basicallyjust sum it all up okay so what we'regoing to do today is we're going to testnow to see how this sounds when we arealive testing one two three fourso this is testing the internal card sotestingtesting the internal card yeah it's verywindy today actually so it'll beinteresting to see how the windsock works hopefully it'll work very wellnow what we're going to do we're goingto do a couple of tests i'm going towalk away then i'll also put on alav mic too just to hear how that soundsas well we'll try and find a spot that'snot so windy so i'm going to count up to50 now it says it will basically stopworking around 50 meters so we'll trythat but it says it works up to say 20meters and it's fine but what i'll do isi'll just count 10 meters and then i'llturn around just wave at kerry if shewaves back at me then i know the signalis still ok now the interesting thing isthough that it's going to be on thefront of me so it'll be pointing awayso we'll see how that goes if it was aproblem we may be better off to put theunit on the side and then run a lav micup so it still could get some signalfrom the back there so we'll start nowso basically i'm a meter away from thecamera sotwo three four five six seven eight ninetenstill okay kerry11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.is that still okay well that's not bad20 meters so you can still hear meperfectly finewow20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30.still fine that's interesting because iam facing away 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 8 39yeah so kerry was saying it was stoppingthere i'm going to go to about 40 againnow i'm going to face kerry how is itsounding now carrie is it fine all right40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50.that's still okay so line aside i've got50 meters no problem 51 2 53 4 5 6 7 8 960. is that still okay yep 61 62 63 6465 66 67 68 69 70.it's still okay yep 71 72 3 4 5 6 7 8 980. is that still okayso i'm not going to go any further imean kerry looks tiny from where she isnow if i move over to the side iguarantee it'll probably disappear soi'm going to move over to the side itwill be out of the line of sight andwe'll see if it disappears so i'mtesting one two three fourone two three four i bet you any morethat it's disappearedcoming back inyeah so kerry said it was coming inand out so that's fine all right so thisis a test now just the audio quality soi'm going to check the audio from thisdirectly with the windsock on and theni'm going to change it to a lav mic also with a windsock on as you can seehere this is a new road one that's justcome out so testing one two three fourit's actually quite windy at the momenttesting one two three four okay so thisis testing with the lav so testingone two three four now i have had toturn the volume up quite a lot on thecamera actually because the levelswere down quite low so that's that'sinterestingbut testing lav one two three four solet me know what you thought about thetests that we just did and theaudio quality that these units provideum i think as an interface it's probablythe nicest ones that i've used it's veryvery simple to use and in fact the leddisplay on thereceiver is is lovely to look at it'sit's terrific i really like that aspectof it i'll also love the implementationof the windsock as well and the magneticclips that go on the back i think that'sa terrific design apart from that thankyou so much lens go for sending me thesei really like them and if you have anyquestions leave them down below and i'llget back to you as soon as possible iwill leave a link where you can purchasethese from as well and apart from thatguys i'll see you all in the next videobye for now