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we are talking about micwith the lens lensgo wireless microphone 348c

hello everyone hope you're fine welcometo the gesture videos in digital youtubechannel today we are talking about micwith the lens lensgo wireless microphone 348c[Music]so of course it's just the box you seethe micit's not so big it's a little mic verypretty little micyou see with the watchit'slittle little bigger than a watch butit's cruel you see when you put it likethatso you have toset if you wantif you want to changefor example for your needs or somethinglike that you have a one transmitter andone receiver set and one a twotransmitter and one receiver set if youwant so let's make a tour about everyoption you have on the box into the boxso you have the main boxallow you to charge everyunit you know you push like thatyou puta usbc cable and you will have all yourcharges heremake sure everybody is direct on the boxyou have the choice if you wantto charge every unitdirectly from a usbc port you see everyunit has one butyou cani think it's it's better to use it inthe box here so each unit transmitterhas a littlesomething like that i don't know in theworld in english but you can it's forthe win of course you canhave this sort ofset and you have three different colorsif you want you have the black the oneand the yellow piece you can buywith the one you wantsoit's the box hereeach transmitter can have so you canconnect directly on your smartphone oryourdslr yourcamera your mixer for exampleand eachtransmitter has also amicro sd card directly insideso after we will compare totwo othermicrophonewireless microphone andthesd cardrecordingso firstthe box so you will havethose unit here you will have also a miclavalier mark if you wantto put itmaybe like that or maybenear your headset like that if you wantsotwo micstwo magsyou have a littlewe call it in french bonnetfor the wind for this little mic hereand you can alsohave this little adapter to put it onyour chest if you wantso this mic here you have normal jack ifyou want a stereo normal jackif you want toconnect to yourmixer console for exampleand of course for your smartphone andfor your umdslr your camera you have a trrsconnection if you want so when you openthe boxyou will have toconnectthe transmitter to the receiverand you will see all the informationdirectlyon thereceiverso you you will have of course the viewmeters you have the battery of thereceiver the battery of the transmitteryou have the senior twoum if you want to muteyou can do that like thatand you will havethe mutedirectly hereyou see no sound and literal mic hereand you canalso have an option directly on thereceiver you can have you will see withthe little push here for secondyou can have heremono orstereo if you wantandit's onfor the volume you will have-3up to3tohave thesetting of thevolume and if i connect the other onelike thati will have my second senior secondbattery etcnow if i'm making a recordingdirectly hereyou will have directlyhere the signal for recordingand hereso you will haveone signal for the um transmitter oneone signal for the transmitter twolet's stop itand talk aboutthequality of the mic so i willmake a little comparison between themfor the technical part you have to knowthat you will have 30 meters more orless of distance between thereceiver the transmitter and thereceiverand you will haveum maybe i think i saw it on theon the websiteuh more or less six or seven hoursbattery life between the uh transmitterreceiverso let's try thisi think it's this cable hereso i put my receiver like thatand let'scompare to anotherwireless micthe lock150andthisconnection hereso what is pretty cool i really likethat is that you have two kind ofwhen youwhen you put it directly on your chestyou can have this littlepinch like thatso you put it like that for examplebut you can also if you want to put itdirectly on your shirt for example yourt-shirtyou adjust you you have you seemagnet hereso you can put itbehindand connect like thatit's cool because the receiverhas the same thing herethe magnet connect connector here so youcan put just the connect the magnet onyourcamera for example and put it when youwant to make a recording for exampleso let's put my cable and let's startthecomparison soi will putthis like thati will put the samelike that herehere the first onesecond one hereit's difficult todo it yourself when you're on livebut of course you will make it beforenot during the livesoyou have this sound with myrode mic the first here you will havethis sound hereafter you will have this sound heredirectly on the let's goand after you will have this sounddirectly on the lock on my rightso you seeif i jump between them road you willhave thatlock you will have that and let's go youwill have that this kind of soundso of course if i put myself like thatyou will have this soundbut if you want tohave uh might directlyfor example here on um headset orlavalieri will plug it to show you a sound withthevalueso if i put it like that you will havethis kind of sound for example and ifyou put like that on your shot forexample you will have this kind of soundhere and to finish with um of course imade some events and some live streamswith the mic so like you see on thisvideo extract extractedfrom youtubeyou can see that i'm very pleased to usethis mic and we are going tolisten to a little part of the audio ofcourse it's a french part but you willsee the quality from youtube so it's anextract from this video let'slisten to thisum[Music]indirectus potentialso you just listen to the audios fromthevideo extracted directly from youtube soyou can see the quality etc i have goodmonuments with bothboth mics and i think i will use themfor maybe podcasts or interviews when iwill have maybe two three four people atthe same timeso i can have enough mictoeach for for each peopleandyou just saw that with alive stream it's very easy you just plugyou just fix your mic directly on yourchest and you're good to goand[Music]so if you have any question about thislet's go feel free to ask under thevideo in the comment section thank youfor watching this video i hope you likeitand see you next content bye bye takecare everybody