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wireless lavalier microphone kit from lensgo

this is the triangle that all productsfall upon a triangle between priceperformance and convenience the fartheryou strain to one the less you can haveof the othersand this is a wireless lavalier microphone kit from lensgo that retailsat around 70where in the triangle does this kit fitwell after a week or so of using it hereare my thoughts for full transparencythis microphone was sent to me free ofcharge for review but lensgo has had nosay in the production of this video andis seeing it for the first time when youare opening up the box reveals thatalong with the transmitter unit receiverunit and lav mic you'll receive two 10inch micro usb cables for charging awindscreen for the transmitter'sbuilt-in mic a windscreen for the lavmic two plastic clips that magneticallyattach to the transmitter and receiver ametal disc with double-sided tape forsemi-permanently creating a mountingpoint a coil nice touch by the way threeand a half millimeter trs to trs cablefor use with cameras and externalrecorders and a three and a halfmillimeter trs to trrs cable for usewith laptops and phonesoh and you get a bag lanyard and resettoolone thing i do wish they would haveadded in the box is a core 20 screw tomagnet nub so that i wouldn't have topermanently stick a metal piece to oneof my devices to attach the microphonemagnetically to but by and large i takevery little issue with the includedaccessories coming in both white andblack i don't have much to say on thephysical design of the transmitter andreceiver they certainly don't lookpremium and i wish they were wider andthinner so as to more easily be hiddenin pockets or clothing but the roundedlike pill shape of both meant that itdidn't get easily caught onset clothingand easily slid into pockets the clipsbeing plastic strike a good balancebetween being grippy and posing no riskof damaging clothing with the magnetsused to attach the clips to the unitbeing strong and indented but stillbeing the weakest link if hit from thesidefurthermore these clips are the rightsize to attach to a cold shoe mount onthe camera however it wasn'tparticularly secure and i wouldcertainly keep an eye on it or perhapstape it down if you're going to go thisroute the lav mic's build quality isequally inoffensive the head of the lavis a little large but the clip is plentygrippy and strong and the cable whilenot the thinnest i've seen is aperfectly all right size going back tothe transmitter and receiver on thesides of both units you have a resetbutton in case you somehow bork up thechannels and it's where you'll find themicro usb charging ports that i wish forusbc to charge the built-in batteriesthat in my testing lasted between fourand five hours of continuous use andrequired two hours to charge and whilediscouraged by the manufacturer bothunits did still function while chargingso if you want to use a battery bank toincrease the battery life do so at yourown risk on top is where you'll find thethree and a half millimeter trs jack foraudio in and out on the respective unitsbut with the transmitter having abuilt-in microphone on the top sectionas well finally on the front there is asingle power button used for poweringthe units on as well as off as well asmanually assigning channels if requiredwith below an led indicator to relay thedevice's current status usability hereis dead simple they compared out of thebox to one another so simply hold thepower button to power up each unit plugthe receiver unit into your recordingdevice using the right cable of coursethey're nicely labeled and thenoptionally you can plug any standard tsor trs microphone into the transmittersuch as the one included from there iwas able to use them just as i would awired microphone just without the wiresin my incredibly unscientific tests iwas easily able to hold a connection acouple of rooms away on the same floorhowever began having issues once acouple of rooms away and one floor abovehowever if it did lose connection itregained the connection at practicallythe same point where it dropped off withdirect line of sight as advertised imade it to around 150 feet before havingissues and the microphone reconnected atthe exact distance it cut out at butlet's talk about what you've all beenwaiting for the sound ientirely unfairly decided to pit thismicrophone up against my rode lav gowhich by itself costs more than thewhole kitbut it's a decent if unremarkablemid-range lav mic to compare againsteven if the lensgo mic will almostcertainly sound worse to normalize thetests i did all of my recording into myzoom h1 portable recorder and adjustedthe input level for each microphone towhat i would if i was recording in thefield unfortunately my adapters were notplaying nice so i wasn't able tosimultaneously record the tests forside-by-side comparisons but i didrecord them all back-to-back in my sounddeadened audio space and i'll just playthem in order for you here all rightthis is a test of specifically the lensgo es lavalier microphone it's pluggeddirectly into my zoom h1 recordinginternally for comparison here's what myrode lav mic sounds like again pluggeddirectly into my zoom h1 this is anaudio test of the built-in microphone inthe transmitter going wirelessly to thereceiver and plugged into my zoom h1 forrecording with the receiver andtransmitter about only a foot apart ihave now gone on to plug the lavalier lensgo microphone into the transmitteragain transmitting wirelessly to thereceiver which is only about a foot awaywhich is being recorded by my zoom h1and last but not least here is a sampleof the rode lav plugged into thetransmitter going into the receiverwhich is about a foot away from thetransmitter all plugged into the zoom h1for comparison here is the rode lavaliermicrophone again plugged directly intomy zoom h1 and this is my typical setupif i'm going to use a lavaliermicrophone right off the bat i'd like tosay that if you purchase this kit toplease never use the built-in mic on thetransmitter for the price of this kityou'd be better off buying a zoom h1using the built-in mic and sinking soundin post the lav mic however and whyprobably most of you are consideringthis in the first place is a differentstory while it's certainly a step downfrom the road it's mostly serviceablecomparing the two labs by themselves i.enot being wildly transmitted reveals the lensgo is mid heavy and loses out oncapturing the base giving it a slightlythinner sound this lav mic by itself isabout on par with 20 and 30 options thati've used before when wirelesslytransmitting however it's a differentstory and this is where the road and the lensgo get closer in quality as thetransmitter and receiver boost mids evenfurther and lessen lower and higherfrequencies and while the effect issubtle it's definitely noticeable lastlydespite it looking big and fluffy likemy cat the mini dead cat for thetransmitter's built-in mic did a quitepoor job at blocking even normal plosivesounds while talking forward and i wouldnot want to see how it would fare withany kind of wind but you shouldn't evenbe using that mic anyways the windscreenon the lav however was perfectly averageand if you plan to use it where there iswind around you you will want to use adedicated cata dead catin conclusion as with a lot of productsi have been reviewing lately this my kitleans more heavily into the convenientside of the triangle over pure soundquality but at the same time if you wanta wireless lab setup or really anywireless microphone setup there reallyisn't options in this price range andname brand options don't start appearinguntil about double the price of thismicrophone so if you decide you needwireless audio and a wired mic pluggedinto your phone as the recorder justwon't dothen the audio quality here isacceptable and i'll even go so far as tosay that this is the best bang for yourbuck audio you can get if you need awireless solution it certainly workswell and when you consider the upgradepath made available by upgrading yourmicrophone and wireless systemseparatelynothing says you have to use the systemwith the lav mic after all then this isa compelling option for beginningfilmmakers and content creators and thisoption will certainly sound worldsbetter than any camera mountedmicrophone while i personally will stillopt for recording audio separately andsyncing later if you don't want thehassle or don't have the luxury to do sothen this mic comes at a reasonableprice with great convenience i'll catchyou all again next time