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wireless microphone system

i'm going to be reviewing this lensgo 348c wireless microphone system so thisis sent to me by ling's go at no cost soi think much lens go for that so makesure you go check out the links downbelow which link to their web pagethrough that for this thing we'll dosome audio testing right now i'm usingobviously the built-in microphone on mycamera so what i end up doing once i getthe system up and going is i'll pluginto my camera we'll do some audio testsand check some relative levels andquality and that sort of stufflet's unpack itlet's look at the back of the box firstwhen i was actually looking at this idid notice a few issues with the specsso look at the specifications here it'sgot a few weird things stated likeinput frequency range40 kilohertz well i think it means 40hertz to 15 kilohertzif you don't wear things like that therewhich just don't quite make sensevoltage 400 milliwattsumokayi think it should mean power maybewhilst it's transmitting on atransmitter 3.7 volts obviously 3.7 voltlithium cells inside there's a fewlittleweird bits of terminology and stuff thati used on thisso the rf power output is stated asbeing 12 dbm or the this should be abig b not little byeah i'm just being picky but you knowthere's a few little things like thatwhich aren't right on the packagingto sort of maybe think oh okay there's afew things lost in translation therelet's look at the accessory pack we'llget this simple thing out the way firstso we've got a manual for it instructionmanualthis lots of chinesethere's the english partso it's got the same information thereabout the fpc antenna but anything newis a bit better in there voltage againit says voltage for the milliamp hoursthere we go 40 milliamp hoursthat's more like it whereas in hereit says 400 milliwattsso that should be milliampsso yes errors so this emanuel is a bitmore correct in that waygot sometroubleshooting information there if youhave trouble getting it to work or haveissues with somethingso just set it all upnow these kits come with different uhconfigurations like the one i've gothereis just a single transmitter you can getones which you've got dual transmittersso anywaythere's the manualhowever you're reading thatbackwardsokay so the manual is more accurate thana box so the box has got some mirrorsso let's go you need to fix thatso the box is quite cute andaway looks like mimics the actual deviceitself is looks very similar to itthere's usb c port on the side here sothat's for charging up the unitsand if you can i don't even quite see ityou can just sit there look there's likea little indicator therethere's holes so when you've got thething on charge you can actually see theindicators on the device inside lightingup so you can see when they're chargingthis is what's inside it so we've gotthe transmitter which has got the fluffything on it and the trans and thereceiver so you can see it's got thesepins inside and this kit obviouslyallows for an extra transmitter as wellso you've got dual microphones you cancharge a whole lot at onceso these also have a usb c port on themas well next to the power buttonso this is the receiverit's got an output on there which isused to go to your audio capture deviceand your volume controls on here as wellnow this actually has a little displayon here little earlier display here'sthe transmitter version very similardesign but this is also got a cf cardit's a trans flashcard so an sd card you can plug in thereand you can do recording on the actualmicrophone so if you're worried aboutpotentially losing signal quality oreven as a redundant backup you can alsohave this thing recording onto the sdcard at the same time as you'recapturing it with your camera orwhatever you're doing there got thislittle clip here which you can unclipthere's actual microphone thereit's also got a microphone input jack soif you want to use a differentmicrophone like a lapel mic some of thatinstead and you tuck this away you cando that so it's a bit more flexible inthat way it's quite nicenice little design choice instead ofassuming you're always going to use theinternal micbecause these things are a bit bulky youknow it's not a big but you know theyare fairly small reallybut it's a lot bigger than a standardlapel mic you know that's what i'mtrying to say so that's those so actualaccessories we get with itgot a usb a to usb c connectordon't you click like and subscribe ifyou've not been here before as wellwe have a 3.5 mil trs extension cablewhich is obviously extendable um this isobviously for the output of the deviceto go to your camera or audio capturedevice whatever you're usingwe have another one here which is a trsto a tris which is a mobile phone soit's got two rings on here that's what'scalled trrs tip ring ring sleeve this isfor mobile phone captures you can plugin your mobile phone instead and use itthat way and catch audio on your mobilephone if you're using a phone instead ofa traditional cameraand here we have a magnetic discor some metal disc which is usedon these because these got magnets intothem and you can magnetize on is thatthe magnet which size magnet yeah themagnets in here this is a metal discall right so you can put this onclothing or whatever and you can thenpinch it through your shirt and you putit on the inside shirt and then you canjust hold on that way you don't got anypin holes in your shirt or anything likethat not relying on clipsso that's quite nice this side does havea clip also it was also magnetic so ifyou wanted to actually put that on ifyou wanted toum but this is asize which fits the shoe mounts on mostcameras right so you've got a hot shoemount on the camera cold shoe dependingon the cameras this would actually slipin there so you can slip that onto thehot shoe mount and then just let go ofit and then you can just attach it to itand then you can take this off when youwant to it does spin around it's notlocked in place i mean that may give yousomeissues potentially i don't really seewhy it would though not really onceyou've got a lead on it as well hold itstraight in the orientation it needs tobe in okay so that's thatlet's power these things up and have aquick look so first we'll power up thereceiver the bottomsbuttons over there so it's actually kindof meant to be this way upi mean the text is this way and that waywhich i don't like which is all in thesame orientationso i think oh which way up does it gowell it goes this waykind ofbecause when you boot up it's also gotthe same text issues with the texturesideways so we've got a battery setindicator my lighting here is journeyingout it makes it hard to seelet's get it closer okay so you got rxbattery you've got two indicators herethat does also dosaving of its display by turning itselfoffjust tap the buttonit's currently set to monoum your transmitter battery indicatorlevels as well because the transmitteris currently not running that's why it'sflashing so it's not linked to anythingand then you got a volume level here aswell soeach time you push that it changesvolume level so it goes from minus sixto plus six so zero is the standard butif you need more volume you can increasethat i don't see why you would notreally just want to have it up all theway all the time andyour camera do auto gaining or set yourcamera levelsto get your best noise levels otherwiseif you've got this turned downand then your camera gains turned up youdon't introduce more of a backgroundnoise or you have a higher noise floorso generally you want to have the saucesas high as you canand then gain it down at later stagesso i'll get the transmitter we'll turnthis onthere we gothat is linked so that transmitterflashes interestinglyif i turn the receiver off see there'snow showing a battery level but again mylights are tending to direct drain itoutand they receive signal strength levelas well if i turn this offand now the transmitter is warning thatthere's nolink have i gone againnow it's got a linklet's detect the bug then hold on asecond because before it's stillflashing even though i had a linkso that's right so it's flashing thesize that linki'll do this onethat's doing it first time it's stillflashinginterestingcause a buganyway they should be on when there's alinksomething to watch out for maybeand here we've got a cold light so wellcalled button it's also indicated so ifyou hold it downit comes onso i'll be recording now i don't have acard in it yetso i don't actually have any audio goinginto itbut that would be recording i thinkthat'll flash as well once it's actuallyrecordingand if i look at thisyou see umhopefully you'll see itthere's nothing really sharp in hereright nowthere you go sothere is an audio level on there but itdoesn't actuallymate up withthe audio coming in right so if i'mwalking talking straight into themicrophone you're not really seeing muchgoing on thereall right so it's not actually a greatdisplay as far as telling you that it'sdefinitely getting audio because it'sdefinitely not working that wellum you know it barely shows anything upso that could be improvedbecause you know you think you would beshowing a bit more saying yes it'sdefinitely getting audio coming init's uhso i think it's a bit of a down pointlet's look this up to the camera allright so it's now plugged into my cameraso the camera should now be capturingaudio fromthis device so let's just check thescreen make sure it looks like it'srightit's probably working so obviously thisis on the desk in front of me it'sprobably you know 90 arms away while i'mstretched right out you know it's anearly arm's length it's also meant tobeon you so if i bring it closer so if istick on my chest stay about here rightthat's probably where i'd likely put itbasically center my chestand um that's the level we're going toget now again i've got my volume set atsix on the receiver and the camera ithink is set for automatic gain so itshould automaticallyadjust the volume level in order toallow for optimum volume so i'm going tocheck my camera settings now and seewhat they're on so yeah let's check mycamera settings and yes my camera is setto automatic level controlit seems to work fine like that i'vealways had no problems that i can use inthat particular system it seems to workquite nicely basically it tends to befull volume anyway back on my chestagain that's there like that and that'show it's going to sound i think itsounds fine um again further away youcan hear the volume difference hopefullyor maybe the quality difference of thevoice between being on my desk over hereand actually being on my chest over hereso it could be quite interesting to seewhat the playback ends up being likebut um it's looking pretty good i thinkit's about to take a 32 gigabyte sd cardor after 32 gigabyte sd card so that'swhat i'm going to put into is thebiggest one because i've got one sittinghere i might as well put it inand that way i don't really have toworry about any instances where maybei'll have it recording in the futureand maybe potentially fill up the cardbecause i just don't tend to get thecaptures back off because it's a backupsystem so i'd rather actually have itcapture it just in case and not use itwe should pop that inyep cool so doesn't stick out someflashing sub casingand now it's flashing to say that it'srecordingexcellentthat seems fine doesn't it so it'sactually just this the arm shelby soi've got a little disc hereit's also got like an adhesive pad onthe back of it i think so you have tostick it to something instead if youknow what just took this on i shouldand we'll locate a magnet in the backthere we gothere we goso that'll sit just like that i mean weput it maybe somewhere elsenow i did actually want to get a blackone but fortunately there are stock ofthe black at the time so the choice wasin yellow or whiteand i quite like yellow yellow is one ofmy preferred colors anywaysothatyellow things are hard to lose you tendto spot them a bit easier so i thought iwent for yellow and um yeah unfortunatestands out a little bit that's workingall right nowi thought great i could use the systemnot only on my camera here for my videocapture like this but i could alsopotentially use it for doing my livestreams because when i'm doing livestreams i'm moving around the room alittle bit and in front of a computerover there or i'm over here repairingsomethingand you know looking piece of test gearor some electronics repair i'm doingover here and moving around means i'vegot a microphone in between the twospots on deskwhich captures a lot of the room noiseand room echo it's not as nice and crispas i'd like it to bei mean it's okay but it'd be nice to doa better quality audio capture i'mthinking right i could use this so ithink i could probably plug in thereceiver into my computerusing the usb port and capture the audiothrough thatwell i've had a quick look at thisparticular situationand it turns out the usbportdoes not present itself as a audiocapture device when you plug into acomputer so a bit of a shortcoming therei mean if i did that this would be areally good system so i think if you'retalking to a camera whatever like thisit's absolutely finebut if you're trying to do other thingsas well and try and keep the audio thesame so the audio matches if you'redoing a screen capture or something likethat you want to keep the samemicrophone set up so it sounds exactlythe samei can't do that so at least not with mycurrent self i might get an audiocapture devicewhich can accept the audio from thisdevice but it's a shame it's got a usbport on there if i just had it so thatpresented itself as an audio capturedevice like a microphone my microphoneson my desk herethey are usb microphones they're justplugged in it's like you it's got a usbcport on itminded it was usingthe cable that came with itmaybe this isn't the data cable maybethis is only a power cablepossible i should eliminate that choiceso i actually have over heremysaramonic microphone on my desk whichuses a usbc port so what i actuallymight do is unplug that cable plug itinto this unit and see if it presentsitself that way as well just in case i'mmisinterpreting something i've seen buti do know with the supplied cable onthat receiver unit it did not presentitself on my computer as aaudio device which is a real shamebecause i would have liked to use audiocapture on that as well on my computerso i'm going to go and try that now justto make sure that i'm not wrong aboutthis disconnected all parts of thecomputer using my same cable using mysaramonic usb microphone and it stilldidn't show up as a usb device so yesthe usb port does not act as a usb audioinput device on a computer which is areal shame that's a real missedopportunity there you know such a simplealteration to thatwould have made it so much moreversatile i mean for me it would beabsolutely perfect i could use this foreverything i did could use on the cameracould use on a computer would have beenbrilliant so there's a missedopportunity there it's a bit of a shameso lens go if you see this video whichhopefully you will please add on infuture revisions the ability to captureaudio from the usb port so you when youplug the usb port in it appears in yourcomputer as a usb audio devicejust like a standard usb microphonewould do don't forget to click like andsubscribe now since you test the audiodifference with and without thethe windshield on here take thewindshield offokay so that's out of the way nowand see if the audio sounds differentmaybe it sounds a bit clearer now idon't know it might help the highs alittle bit i'm not sureum but it may also mean that when i'mmoving around or talking near it itmight get more wind noise if it'sindoors you probably wouldn't need itanywhere you're potentially going tobreathe across it like blind throughyour nose or whateverorsomething like thismaybe an issue i don't know if you takethis off obviously it's going to be alittle bit less cumbersome and a bitless obvious to see because this doesmake it kind of stand out a bit but itmay be necessary but if you're outsideobviously you want to use it but indoorslike this it may not actually matter soi thought i'd give it a go as wellwithout this on it in case it soundsbetteror in case any kind of noise like thatis not an issue anywaynow because this microphone is based on2.4 gigahertz wi-fiit's got quite a long range it's wi-fibasis obviously using the wi-fi spectrum2.4 gigahertz is a freely usable wifiband so there's no reason why peoplecan't use wi-fi for all sorts ofpurposes because this is a unlicensedbandso they also use the necessarycommunication which means if you gotwi-fi signals or a lot of wi-fi signalsin the region it may cause issues withrange but in situations like thisi don't really see it being an issueit's only you know a meter or so awayyou know if you've been in the same roomit probably doesn't matterif you're trying to do something outsidemaybe it'll matter more but this isadvertised something like a 70 meterrange andmy own experience of wi-fi is it doeshave quite a good range on itso you don't really need to worry abouti don't think you know for mostcircumstancesif you're just doing blogging you knowor doing sort of situation like i'mdoing in this room here i'm doingsome very close-up stuff for the cameradoesn't matter if you're doing stufflonger range and you've got two peopleone person doing a camera one person infront of the camera like a reporter kindof style then maybe you might find thathey you need more range but i don'tthink this is going to be an issue ithink this has got plenty of range forthat stuff otherwise you got the camerawhich you have a massive lens on itzoomed right in and that probably isn'tgoing to be happening if you're usingone of these microphones i don't reallythink that's really an issue so i'mpretty confident that this is a goodthing it seems to be good i've done somebasic audio testing on my computer tomake sure it actually works and thatsort of stuff i'm fairly happy with itso far but anyway let me know if youthink comment down below tell me whatyou think about the audio quality withthis compared to my camera and justremind you i'm going to unplug thecamera one now and go back to thestandard camera microphoneokay there we go back to the standardcamera microphone same distance nothingelse has changed so it gives you an ideaof what the difference is between havinga microphone near you versus what's onthe camera if you're not using a remotemicrophone let me know what you thinkcomment down below give me a like if youlike the video subscribe if you've notbeen here before and click the bell icontoo to get notifications about manyvideosand i'll catch you later thanks forwatching


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