but that's itthis is the one this is absolutely the best wireless mic system out there andthere's a lot of amazing features onthis so let's just go ahead and getstarted[Music]hey welcome to my channel my name is mrblack if you're new here thanks so muchfor stopping by if you like tech reviewsand stuff like this make sure you clickthat button right there and as alwayslinks to everything i'm talking aboutwill be in the description plus asurprise link also it sounds a bit weirdfor me to ask but if you can hit thatbutton right there if i remind you youguys do it and then i think it actuallyhelps with my youtube algorithm welcometo a youtube masterclass boring lensgodid send this to me to review at myrequest they sent me a mic system lastmonth that i did a review on it'sactually a really good mic it's lowbudget but i saw this one on theirproduct list and saw the features and iwas like i have to check this out andsee if it's as good as it looks orsounds could this be a rode wireless gokilleri think so and by the way you'reactually listening to the microphoneright now the whole video's audio willbe with the linsco system check one twocheck one two even with any b-roll shotsyou'll hear this as the voice over imean normally people put it on theirlapel but i put my microphone up aboveme i made a whole video of why i do thatcheck that out but let's go ahead andstart by opening the box inside you geta bigger version of the wirelesstransmitter it's like a legoand i actually did ask for the yellowversion just because it shows up betterfor the review but if you didn't likeyellow it does come in black or whitethere's another packet here with yourusbc power cable and camera connectionsand phone connection and a little metalclip for the magnet also a very nice setof helpful instructions and one thingyou notice right off the bat is that itonly comes with one power cable that'sbecause the box acts as a power stationopening the box you have the transmitterand receiver which charge in theircertain spots you'll also notice anotherspot there so yes you can have twotransmitters to one receiver which isperfect if you're doing interviews orjust need more than one microphone andthere's another spot that's good foryour cable management a really cool ideahaving something like this and the factthat you can charge it all in one is soefficient so let's take a look at thereceiver first because the transmitterpart has one of the best features i'veever seen it is very lightweight it hasusbc for individual charging if you needit an output for your camera or phone oreven your computer volume buttons whichare actually a very nice touch to haveand there's a magnet on the back whichalso comes with a clip that has a magnetand this clip will fit onto any coldshoe or you can just clip it ontosomething and because it's magnetic youcan actually spin it around in whicheverway you need to to make it moreconvenient for you when you power it upyou get a nice little display giving youdetails of the battery and audio metersand volume it also shows the connectionsignal strength if you have it in monoor stereo so if you have two differentmicrophones you can actually set them ontwo separate channels it also shows redif the transmitter is recording yeahthat's right the transmitter can recordso let's have a look at that on thetransmitter also very lightweight youhave the magnetic back which i lovebecause you can use this magnet to clipit anywhere on your clothes or wherevereven cooler because i could just use myinstago to lanyard and i could just wearit around my neck and that way i couldjustthat's cooli love that it has usbc for individualcharging a built-in microphone whichobviously sounds pretty good but it alsohas an input for an external microphonewhich might give the sound a little bitmore clarity or a lot of claritydepending on which microphone you use ithas a wind muff of the same color thatclips on yes and if you're a wireless gouser you'll know whythat's important[Music]and if you double tap you can mute themicrophone and it shows up on thereceiver screen which is a greatfunction to have if you have twomicrophones and you're doing more of anon the street kind of interview buthere's the wireless go killer part thetransmitter can record you can put up toa 32 gigabyte micro sd card in this andthe reason that's important if you're ona shoot sometimes wireless microphonescan get interference or cut out andmaybe you didn't even know it screwed upuntil you get to editing and can't goback and fix it so having this option isa huge fail save and all you gotta do ishold this record button for threeseconds and then it flashes red meaningit's recording and even on the receiverside you'll see a little red dot whichis also great because then the personbehind the camera or the personmonitoring the sound can actually get aglimpse in what's going on and make sureeverything is running correctly but thisalso means you can use the microphone byitself so the last video i did was thehyper smooth vs gimbal video and ididn't want to fool around with mediamods and microphones on the gimbals so ijust put this on and hit record and justa tip you hit record on both things andyou count to three and do a clap that'llbe so much easier to sync up your audiolater on when you're editing on thetransmitter the battery life is sevenhours but if you are recording it onlygets four hours the receiver has abattery life of eight hours but you canalso plug it in and charge it whileyou're using it so they say this can goup to 70 unobstructed meters or 230 feetwhich we'll go test out in a second butif you're using the recording mode iguess you really have no limit so thisis 20 meters out around 66 feet so thisis 40 meters out 131 feet so this is 60meters away 164 feet all right so nowwe're back whiskey's pooping right nowuh we're back 70 meters 230 feetuh this is as far back as it says gowe'll try a little bit further back justto see so they're telling me to keepgoing i have people behind the cameratelling me that the meters are stillcoming through so we'll have to listenback to see we can go see it's gonna getobstructedit got obstructed thereso uh you're gonna keep going back checkone two check one two this is about 140meters away this is twice the distancethat they say that we can go but here wego i'm just gonna wave my arm so theycan see me on the screenthis is it for me this has all of thefeatures that i've ever needed in awireless setup good quality sound it'ssmall compact easy to transport easy tocharge this is a great tool to have justas a recorder by itself maybe you wantto make a podcast maybe you want torecord yourself singing a song it'sversatile it has a long battery life themagnetic back a two mic system whichi'll definitely be getting anothermicrophone and then i'll be able to testit out but i imagine it's gonna be greatand one more thingwhat is it again i keep forgetting ohyeah the price the lens goes set up withone transmitter at the moment ofrecording is 169 us dollars and there'salso an extra 30 off on amazon right nowso 139 us dollars compared to thewireless go setup which is 194 usdollars and for fun let's look at thetwo mic setup this comes in at 249 usdollars but also at the moment on amazonyou can get 40 off so that's 209 usdollars versus the wireless go 2 at 299us dollars so that's quite a bit ofsavings and hey i'm not trying to crapall over the road wireless system i havea bunch of road products here andthey're great but this is better becausethere's features on here that rodewireless go does not havelike important features so sorry for along video on a microphone i was justreally excited about this and you'll beseeing this yellow guy more and more onmy upcoming videos which i have tons ofcontent coming up on this channel soif you want to dive deeper and get someexclusive stuff check out my membershipsalso if you want a weekly podcast checkout my podcast right there it's a weeklychat about tech and the youtube creatorlife all right that's it for me thanksso much for watchingi'll catch you in the next one