hey guys monkey here with rage studiosand today i'm going to be reviewing the lensgo wireless microphone 348c[Music][Music]let's do a quick unboxing we got thecarrying case which doubles as acharging dock we have the accessory bagwith the cables in it we have theinstruction manualokay we have the smartphone connector wehave the coil wire audio connector forthe camerawe have the chargingcable the type c we have an additionalmagnetso the carrying case has the chargingports in it for the transmitters andreceiveryou'll see that there are three slots weordered the singlethere's an extra one for the duallet's look at the receiver it's got thealligator clipwith the magnetic connection on the backpretty nice design let's look at thetransmitter with the wind cover it'selasticclips on there or you can just take itoff with the elasticit also has the alligator clip with themagnetic connection on the backnow if you look at the box itself hereyou'll see that there are chargingconnectors be sure that you place themin there correctly or it will not chargeokay let's look at the design now we usethese wireless microphones quite often right now i'm using the rode wireless go2and if you look at this the size thesize is pretty similar this one's alittle bit bigger but not significantlyit is a little bit wider but it islighter in weightnow the road has an alligator clip justlike the lens go but this one is onlyone direction on the lens go you canspin this in any direction that you wantfor convenient placement nowthe roads is attached you cannot takethat off now with the magneticconnection you can pop this offfor convenient access once you have theclip mountednow the rode and the lens go both recordaudio internally but the road onlyrecords internally and this one recordsit to a tf card which i think could beconvenient for certain situations okayso i've switched the transmitters andthe setup now to the lens go now i'vegot it hooked up to the rhodes lavaliergothe same setup that we had on theprevious micand uh just so you can compare thereceiver and transmitter quality now idon't have the internal recording turnedon but if you hold this button on thefront here you can turn iton and now it's recording internallyand it's flashing so that means it'srecordingand we can turn this back offjust like that okay so i've removed therhodes lavalier go and now it's justconnected and recording from thebuilt-in microphone in the transmittersoif you guys like this video so far whydon't you guys go ahead and hit a likeand hit subscribe to the channel if youhaven't done that already let me knowwhat it sounds like in the commentsbecause i'm not going to know what thissounds like until we hit editing but uhas you can see here it's uh hangingnicely from my collar here and now we'regoing to go outside i'm going to testthe range we came outside to do a rangetest on this mic now we do have a coupleof giant air conditioners going on thebuilding next door that you'll hearhumming in the background we have planesgoing overhead and we have a couple ofkids playing off in the background butthis is just mainly focusing on therange test now when i'm speaking towardsthe camera i willsay line of sight and when i turn aroundi will raise my hand just so that youknow that i am talkingfor non-line of sight we're going to dothis in approximately 10 meter intervalsstarting now i'm about 5 meters awayfrom the camera now this is no line ofsight now i'm approximately 10 metersaway from the camera this is line ofsightthis is no line of sight from the cameranow i'm about 20 meters away from thecamera this is line of sightandwhile i am talking now i'm approximately30 meters away from the cameraand this is line of sightthisnow this is approximately 40 meters lineof sightnow this is approximately 50 meters awayfrom the camera this is line of sightand now i'm going to turnnow i'm approximately60 meters away from the camera this isline of sight audiothis is approximately 70 meters awayfrom the cameralens go claims 70 meters on line ofsight which is pretty accurate with thetest that we performed now with non-lineof sight it cuts out around 20 to 30meters which is pretty good we've done alot of these mini label mic tests andthat's pretty accurate for where theycut out generally we did have to set thepreamps a little bit higher on this onethan we do on the roads but let us knowin the comments below what you think ofthe audio quality and comparison and ifyou guys like this video hit like andhit subscribe and if you'd like to getone of these check out the link in thedescription below this is monkey withrage studios i'll catch you guys nexttime[Music]you