this is the first test of the lensgo wireless microphone system how does it soundtours right here in lethbridge so thatbeing said i've been using wireless lavmics weekly and have gotten really usedto them now and they're actually more ofour go-to sound recording device it'sreally hard to get really high qualitysound and that's because everywhere wego is never sound treated even in thisroom we don't really have it soundtreated yet so to get around that we usea lav mic in order to get this mic asclose to our mouths as possible and it'sreally increased the quality of ouraudio so this right here is the lensgo wireless lav mic it's on amazon rightnow for about 218 canadian and i'llleave a link down below if you'reinterested or want to check it out itcomes with all the cables you need aswell as the lav mics all come with adead cat which i don't have on right nowthey look likethisfocus there we go so what's unique aboutthis system is that you can actuallyrecord externally so right here there'san sd card slot so you can just stick ansd card in there and if you're filmingsomething like a wedding or some placewhere you only have one shot at gettingthe audio right you can still recordinto the camera and record externally soif you think that the camera is too faraway or there's going to be some sort ofconnection issues you can record in twoseparate places which is super importantso the receiver that's actually on thecamera right now has an led screen soyou can keep an eye on the battery lifeof all the units as well as theconnections so you're not flying blindso comparing the lensgo to one of themore popular brands out there which isthe rode wireless go 2this is quite the contender the rodewireless go 2 is close to 400 canadianon amazon right now so one point to the lensgo it comes with the cheaper casejust this neoprene thing and and it doesnot have a charging case so two pointsof the lensgo it cannot recordexternally so three points the lensgo and from what we have tested theconnection on the two are prettycomparable although i don't have nearlyas much experience with the lensgo butthe road mic has never cut out on thisand we've never had any issues with itso i guess they both get a point thereso i guess the only question you reallyneed to ask yourself is which one soundsbetter so again this is what the audiosounds like right out of the lensgo andhere is the audio out of the rodewireless go 2 system with no postprocessing so here's what the lensgo sounds like with a lav mic plugged intothe transmitter going into the receiverwith no voice processing so here's whatit sounds like with a shotgun mic on topof the camera and i imagine it'sprobably not nearly as clean andprobably more of an echo because the micis further away from my mouth and we'renot in that sound treated room like imentioned earlier so i'm not an audioexpert by any means but when i'm lookingfor good audio i'm looking for somethingthat's reliable and if it sounds goodand i think the lensgo checks out bothof these for me so the fact that it hasfeatures like external recording thecharging case right here the fact thatit's cheaper like half the pricei think it's a pretty sweet deal and ifyou're in the market for one of theseand considering one i would highlyrecommend it